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angel has 3 days left to make her choice I'm really worried about her she's still feeling conflicted i hope she figures things out personally i don't care what she does as long as she stays with Michael. he'd be heartbroken if they broke up it'd break him today is a happy day us girls are surprising the boys at there interview today were going to play the who knows each other better challenge I'm so excited. "hey babe I'm leaving goodbye" Luke calls out"what no hug or kiss not even i love you geez your harsh" i tease"sorry not sorry" he leaves. 3 2 1 "love you bye" he smiles real big then leaves for real.

about ten minutes later i leave to get angel"Mikey's totally clueless still " she squeals i laugh "girls perfect just head over there to make up" a random guy says but we follow along." so boys your all living with your significant others correct" the interviewer asks"no i kicked my wife out last night" says Luke the audience flip out and he laughs."shit I'm kidding I'm kidding guys oh god I'm probably gonna get kicked out for that one" he quickly recovers"well today were going to play the who knows each other best with some special guests. you know them very well at least you should" he says and we get shooed out.

Luke just looks at me wide eyed the others look surprised" your lucky your cute when you awkward" i sass sitting across from Luke at the table. "whats going on" Mikey says confused"were being tested on how well we know our girlfriends how well they know us" cal explains. "first question what is your partners worst habit" i wrote mine down so fast Luke is such a mess his clothes are all over the floor of his closet and there's random crap all over his desk. i think he's going to say that i like to make him jealous. "hold em up" he did have the jealousy thing calum and Sadie both got heated about what he other said.

"what is your partners favorite trait about you" oh god i thought i have no idea what it could be i looked up to find him smirking at me."you better know this cates i swear if you don't why are we even married" he shakes his head i think what do Luke and i spend most of our time doing oh okay i know it i cuddle him. for me my favorite thing about Luke is that he's awkward"BOOM" yelled Ashton Mikey got it wrong and so did cal again"damn I'm an awful boyfriend" he laughs. Luke and i got it right though same with luc ash and angel "alright now its your turn to ask each other 3 questions" hmmm i better make mine hard.

i have mine" are you ready " he asks"yeah bring it on" i reply"okay then what is my favorite song of all time" he asks looking at me fuck ugh it could be a lot of things. damn I'm really stumped on this I honestly don't know it at all he's gonna kill me cause this should be easy"oh my god cates you should know this" he says sounding annoyed. "is it somewhere in Neverland by all time low" i guess"i will accept your answer" he states"okay whats my favorite song of all time" "ever enough by a rocket to the moon".damn why is he so good i thought"what is my favorite date we've ever been on" "that's easy the one where we went to the beach and had a picnic then we went to the park that was by yours and calums. we had our first kiss that very night" i answer "good job cates".

"what is my favorite gift you've ever given me" i say i watch as he ponders what could be the answer" i have a few options one is this year when i gave you that bracelet your wearing or your custom made Louis Vuitton bag. i think I'm going to go with beside you when i told you i had a special present and then i sung that told you i wrote it for you '' he finally says. "YESSSS you got it wrong it was my custom make Louis Vuitton bag" i cheer"damnit i was so perfect okay my last question is a hard one what is my favorite song to preform live ". "there's two beside you and oh gosh I'm gonna go with end up here" i hesitate"yes wow I'm impressed you got both of them" "alright my last one is when is my favorite time to kiss you" "what how the hell am i suppose to know that" he exclaims.

"you should know this Luke" i smile" is it all the time" he responds" haha you fucking wish" i tell him" wait its after I've just gotten off stage when I'm all sweaty and hot and you always say that it turns you on and that's why we have sex on the tour bus." Luke says kinda loud"lukey" i scold " i will call you lukeyboo on national TV" i threaten" your promised okay ill be quiet but i am right though "yes Luke your always right i say annoyed.


well today's the day angel has to make her choice i couldn't sleep i haven't been able to sleep all week just the possibility of her leaving me makes me numb and sick. i couldn't stand it i love her so much that I'm willing to do long distance but it'll be so much harder with her all the way over in l.a every other year. i honestly don't know what she's going to pick if she stays wonderful well make so many more memories if she goes it will be tough but I'm prepared for everything. i got up and at about 8 30 since i figured i was not getting any more sleep.

i showered did my hair got ready for the day then went to go grab breakfast at our favorite little cafe called Jerry's when i got back she was awake."big day today hello good morning beautiful i love you'' i say kissing her forehead"i love you too so much Mikey so damn much" she says i wait til were done eating before i ask her what she wants to do. "I've gone back and forth there's so many pros and cons to each thing i never thought I'd ever find somebody capable of loving me as much as you do. i see myself marrying you one day having kids with you i want that so badly but my career is already huge and to be honest i thought becoming a Victoria's secret angel was everything but its not. i talked to Candice she says you don't eat you have to work out every day you cant eat out like ever your body will be photo shopped and most of the time your naked" angel tells me.

i nod and smile at her" i don't think i can do it Mikey i cant stand the thought of someone else besides you getting to see me like that I've never done a nude campaign that's just not part of my image and i already have plenty of jobs and I'm fine with that. Michael I'm gonna stay i have to stay because you are my future not some contract to sign myself away i love you that damn much'' angel has tears coming down so do i to be honest. i hugged her so tightly and kissed her a ton"i love you so fucking much i promise ill make your choice worth it" i mumble. "you better Michael Gordon Clifford" she giggles"I'm so fucking happy right now i know i told you I'd be okay if you went i wanted you to stay so badly" i confess"yeah and i couldn't stay away from the girls for long you guys are my family".

i put her on my lap as she called Victoria's secret"angel how wonderful it is to hear from you have you made up your mind" a lady asked"yes thank you so much for this opportunity it means everything you'd offer it to me. I'd miss my boyfriend so much and my best friends are here there my family and i cant leave them I'm just not comfortable doing nude things either I'm so sorry but I'm going to decline the offer" angel breathes out. "i understand completely and thank you for considering I'd like to offer you a place in our runway show in January modeling some of our latest looks'' i was shaking my head yes furiously she chuckles."i would love to thank you " angel says and hangs up"babe congrats this is huge your gonna look mad sexy in that lingerie whatever it is" i tell her licking my lips. "your ridiculous" she kisses my cheek.

we played some Mario kart cuddled ate some sandwich's played some Pokemon and now were going over to the hemmings to celebrate with drinks and dinner'' hey guys your early come on in"cates greets us with hugs. "catekins have you seen any of my black jeans" Luke asks coming into the room"there in the wash all 7 pairs" "FUCK how could you i live in those jeans" he shouts. "god Luke they have to be washed some times geez quit being over dramatic just go find regular jeans" you disgust me " he walks off"he's so problematic for fucks sake " cates mutters. angel and i laugh i went upstairs to help Luke pick out an outfit"i have nothing to wear'' he exclaims jumping on his bed.

"good god your such a fucking princess" i tell him he glares at me i walk into his closet i pick out his liberty Maine shirt black leather jacket dark wash jeans and his white converse with a snap back"thanks Michael your a lifesaver" he hugs me i groan and shove him off" okay Luke just get dressed i hear ash and cal downstairs. "he's such a drama queen" "don't have to tell me twice i live with that i married that" cates shakes her head. "ahhhh I'm so happy your staying angel" Lucy gushes"I'd hate for this little one to never see its aunt angel" she hugs her"you good mate" ash asked"fine actually I'm pretty happy" i smile Luke comes down again. '' Luke i like that outfit" cal compliments ''michael picked it out for me" he replies.

" i did cause he was being problematic again" everyone laughs and then we drink "cates don't leave me" drunk Luke says i decided to not drink that much tonight just a couple beers so i can drive home" Luke i have to go get dinner Mikey help please" she begs. "Mikey i wish i was you " "i know Luke i know" i tell him calum was also pretty wasted he was dancing on the table"this is great footage just keep dancing babe" Sadie encourages. after a few hours of partying we went home "night angel see you in the morning" i kiss her good night.

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