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Even when all angels standing she's perfect just like the song says she really does look perfect standing there. "Last year on this day Mikey you told me that my boyfriend was cheating on me. That day when you said you'd never do that I actually listened" angel said randomly"yeah I guess so and now look where we are happy in love" I kissed her. "Speaking of my ex boyfriend he called me the other day it was weird" she mentions I was worried"do I need to bash his head in a fucking wall again cause I so will" I told Angel.

"No Mikey at least hopefully not" she chuckles when I caught him cheating on angel I did just that

I was coming over to angels since she forgot a pair of heels for her photoshoot I walked in and heard a voice great chad the dooshe must be here. He treats angel so poorly if she were mine I'd treat her like a princess I quietly walked into the bedroom only to find him kissing some chick"what the fuck are you doing man" I asked pulling the girl off him. "I'm making out with Cassie she's hot and angel hasn't been around much lately" he replies I was pissed"your a real asshole you know that you'll be damn lucky if she forgives you for this. You disgust me how fucking could you cheat on a girl like angel she deserves way better than some low life like you" I yelled at him.

"Please I've been sneaking around behind her back with a different chick for the past 2 months angels just my main bitch" he said laughing that was it I was way beyond pissed. All of my hatred came out and I grabbed him by the collar and threw him against the wall"I'm telling her all of this got it on video I wan you out of her life" I snarled punching him once more. I grabbed angels shoes then left what a bastard I'd never ever do that to angel I love her so much.

"Makes me mad just thinking about him" I said"I know babe that is what separates you from him your so sweet and caring and overprotective" angel smiles. She came over and sat on my lap I cuddled her and kissed her cheeks a lot"I love you angel" I say"I love you Michael" she says. "Up for a game of Mario kart" I suggested"your going down Clifford the purple haired dog" angel challenges. She ends up winning it was bullshit cause I was up two to one but then she tied it by hitting me with a red shell. "That was fun" she laughs"nu uh"I replies sticking my tongue out.

"Up for another one" I asked"no let's do something else" she trailed pushing me down and kissing me."you angel are so incredibly sexy" I mutter kissing her neck loads"and you Mikey are also undeniably hot" she said kissing me more. Damn I thought this girl is everything I know its kinda early still in our relationship but I think I'm ready to move in with her. I love waking up with her and going to bed with her I want that every night. She finally pulled back and just cuddled into me"my two favorite things in the world are falling asleep with you in my arms. And waking up next to you I want that every night and day angel baby move in with me" I asked her stroking her hair.

"Are you sure that's what you want Mikey I have awful morning breath" she giggles"yes I've never been more sure about anything" I kissed her temple."then yes I'll move in with you" angel tells me I was so excited and could not wait to tell the guys and girls.

Being married is the best thing in the world 2 things one I get to be with the person I love forever I'd never tell Cates this but we have sex everywhere. I mean the other day I was in the kitchen she just climbed on top of me and threw her shirt off so I threw my shirt off. Lucy and Ashton's wedding is super soon like in 5 weeks soon Ashton says luc is freaking out about random shit all the time. I'm so glad Cates and I just got married"luuukkkeeeee" Cates dragged out. "Hello sexy wife" I said hugging her"will you film the Mr and Mrs challenge with me for a random YouTube video to surprise the fans" she asked.

"Sure why not only if we do it with the who is more likely to type questions" I told her"perfect Lucy should be here soon shell ask us the questions " Cates smiles. "Hey guys its me and Cates here we thought wed film a video for you guys a called the mister and Mrs challenge" I said chuckling. "Lucy will be asking us the questions"Cates informed"first one who takes the longest showers" we both held up me "luke is tall and it takes him forever to wash his body. Also hes sings like every song and uses all the hot water" she explained annoyed. "Im sorry" i chuckle.

"Who was the first to say the L word" I held up myself Cates held up herself"what no I was the first Cates" I told her confused."Luke I was remember I said it too you 3 days before you did I whispered I love you when we hung up" she shot back. "Lucy it was so me I said it on the park I looked her dead in the eyes held her and said I love you" I said trying to convince luc"Cates Luke is right. Next question who was the first one to fart" luc questions. I held up cates again laughing cause its a funny story she shamefully held up her Cates sign"it was awful we were making out and I didn't feel it then all of a sudden this loud rip came out of me" Cates said sadly.

I was laughing it was one of my face cause for once it wasn't me who was the awkward"here's an easy one who is the most romantic" immediately we held up me. "I can never surprise Luke he always sees it coming but Luke does the cutest sweetest things for me" Cates said squishing my cheeks. "Who is most likely to end up in jail" kinda chuckled at that one we both said each other for this one."me why'd you pick me" I said exasperated"cause I feel like in order to prove your daring you'd do something crazy with calum and end up in jail" Cates said.

"Valid point picked you cause when your drunk you do the craziest of things and one day I'm going to get a call from the police station" I smirked. "Alright oh here's a juicy one who can never keep their hands to themselves" that one is me by far. "Luke loves PDA but when were in public we mostly just hold hands and lukes so cute cause hell look to see it anyones watching before attacking my face with kisses." Cates shook her head. I side hugged her and kissed her cheek a lot"my point exactly we better end this video thanks for watching us. We love you bye" Cates said I knocked her over and ticked her luc stopped recording"this'll be a cute bid I wanna film one with ash" Lucy comments.

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