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My alarm went off at 8am sharp i did not want to get up but i had to today cates Michael and i are headed out to the beach. Sades and cal might join us if Sadie can finish her homework"hey Luke throw me one of your t shirts" cates calls. I give her my you complete mess one its one of her favorites"Luke i lost my shades" she whines i huff and sigh before throwing my extra pair. "Thanks lukeyboo" she calls cates came out wearing my shirt short shorts and converse. I find her irresistible in this outfit "hey guys ready to go" Mikey asks coming in"yep I'm starving" i say.

I lead us all out locking the door behind us i put my arm around cates as we walk she also holds Mikey's hand. "Thanks for letting me third wheel today" he says"your so adorable not a problem" cates laughs. Breakfast was good now onto the beach"i just wanna tan" "same cates same" Michael agrees."You guys suck I'm gonna go play in the water cause that's what you do at beaches" i shout. I met some fans and hung out with them for a little while "i should get back nice meeting you" i say hugging them all. They were still tanning"unbelievable" i mutter"lukey come join us" Michael says.

I roll my eyes and lay on my back it was nice ill admit it this was so relaxing" ahhhhhhhh this feels goood" it came out awkward though. The others laugh at me"seriously though I'm never moving from this spot" after tanning for ages we put our clothes back on. Next we ride the ferris wheel we got stuck at the top i took some pics and tweeted it.

@luke5SOS I've spent too long trying to come up with a caption for this here it is.
"Luke babe that's the worst caption" cates shakes her head"here I've got this" Michael chimed

"@michael5SOS Stuck at the top fun day with the besties"@luke5SOS I've spent too long trying to come up with a caption for this here it is

"Damnit how do you come up with these things" i throw my hands up. Disregarding the fact my phone was in my hands"LUCAS YOU IDIOT" Cates yells"fuck. Shit. Shit shit. Fuck fuck me fuck my life. " i curse watching as it hits the ground. 20 long minutes we had to wait til we got off i ran straight for my phone the screen was cracked it wouldn't even turn on. "Alright lets walk back to the house and drive to the phone store we can get lunch on the way" cates sighs. Her and Mikey walk ahead i run to catch up with them i shed a couple tears not for my phone maybe one for my phone the other for being dumb.

Cates looks at me"hey lukeyboo you okay" she asks we stop walking"yeah I'm just so stupid i feel like your mad at me". She hugs me tightly"stop crying Luke I'm not mad at you well get your phone replaced today. Calm down" she says soft i kiss her a few times i still held onto her as we walked back home. "Your phones completely useless we can replace it for a charge of 50 dollars" were at the phone place now. "That'll be fine" i smile we spent 30 minutes getting everything transferred"can we leave yet I'm starving" Michael complains. "Yes we can do now" "YAY" he runs to the car.

We eat lunch at Geronimo's today"so angel comes home tomorrow huh" i ask."Yeah i miss her tons and were all flying out on Friday for the show on Saturday then flying back" he smiles. I noticed cates was filling out polls from poll accounts on Twitter"your not picking me" i say half offended. "Luke the question is whose lane are you always swerving into. Obviously I'm going to pick Michael" she sasses"you betcha best friend" he high fives her.

"Here luke here's a perfect one for you who would you rather marry. Obviously I'm going to pick you" "you better your in my lane for life" i kiss her cheek. "So whats on our agenda now " Michael asks"were gonna take a walk and see where we end up" cates skips out the door. We get about 5 blocks into our walk when we run into someone Michael had a look that could kill "Chad" he grits."Michael Clifford its been a while " Chad smirks"how is she".

"Fantastic she actually has someone who loves her. " he replies "my my cates you've gotten hotter like way hotter" Chad checks her out. "Get whatever pervy thoughts you have out she's taken too " Mikey shouts getting defensive. "Guys come on chill lets go Mike before you kill this guy" i say leading him forward. I notice cates I sent here Chad pulled her back and whispered something to her she looked pissed."You okay babe" i ask"just fucking fantastic" she said cold"what'd he say " i push"naughty things" she replied"just tell us cates i will go beat him" Mike chimes.

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