Chapter 5: New School Year, New Faces

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My alarm went off around 6am. I was not rested, but I had to get up to go to school. Even though I wanted summer to go on for a bit longer, I was excited to go back, and see my friends.

When I went outside to wait for my bus Max was already there, and he walked towards me to greet me.

"Hello sir. Is it weird that even though we live blocks from each other we didn't see each other all summer?" He asked.

"Yeah, just a bit. But things can get busy, so I wouldn't be too worried about it. Anyways, how was your summer?"

"Mine was good. Just stayed in O'Fallon for the most part, but how about yours? How was Mexico?"

"It was alright. Went as expected, but I'm glad to finally be back." I got a flashback of everything that happened over the summer, body issues, my struggle with love, and my family's hatred. Just a reminder of how shitty my life was. Summer was just a friendly reminder that I'll never be happy.

"Nice. So you're ready to begin this school year?"

"No, but I am ready to see all of my friends again."

The bus came, and to our surprise there was an open seat. I don't know what public schools think when making the bus routes. They let too many kids ride in one bus, and half the time three grown ass kids have to share one seat making everyone uncomfortable.

Max sat next to me since there was no other place. We got to talk to Jayden and Trevor, they are twins who I have known since the eight grade. The bad part was Cole was sitting next to us listening to our conversation. Cole was Jackson's best friend, but unlike Jackson, Cole was a bit of a dick, and never liked Max. I was just invisible to him. It was sad since he was cute, but also very straight. As usual Cole was making fun of Max, but since we were the second to last stop we were in school before Max went off on Cole, which has happened before, and in no time (10 minutes) we were in school.

When I walked in through the main doors the first thing I did was look to my right through the glass walls our school had, and right there just as I had hopped was Kyle, and the rest of the group; Taylor who had brought some donuts for everyone to snack, Adam, David, and McKenzie. But they were not my main focus, I could not take my eyes off of Kyle, so I walked faster to get inside to go to talk to him.

"Hey, guys." I said looking at Kyle.

"Hey." Everyone said.

"Hey, we'll talk later. Go get your schedule so you know what class you need to go to." Kyle said. I was sad that after a month of not seeing each other, he didn't talk to me, or even offered to go with me to go get my schedule. I went on on my own, and surprisingly it didn't take too long to get it. I guess students are not in a hurry to go into the offices on the first day of school.
When I got out I looked for the group again, but they weren't there anymore, so I went on with my day.

First hour went by fast, uneventfully, and honestly boring. It was Environmental Sciences, and although I love learning about things like that, there were no hot guys that kept me interested. Second hour was the same, Geometry mostly consisted of girls, and Sophomores. Math has never been my strength, and I had been placed in slow algebra the two years before making me fall behind in my requirements. Third hour was where things got interesting. Doyle, a cute guy I had seen in another of my classes the year before was in it. His friend Isaac was also in that class, and a really attractive guy who I had interacted once last year was there too. So far it looked like my French class was going to be one of the best ones this year. Next class was Intro to theater. There was a really hot guy there, but nothing too special. For my next class I had my English class. Just like Math I was behind in this subject, therefore all my classmates were a grade younger than me. To clarify, the reason I was behind in English class was because I had been in ESOL before since English wasn't my first language. Since everyone was a grade younger in my English class I didn't know anyone in the class either, so I just sat wherever, and a couple of minutes later a guy came in and sat next to me. He was a little cute, but not really someone who I would say was my type. For my next class I had ESOL. This guy was there, I had seen him in French class, but we didn't talk, and I thought was really cute. He was from Palestine, tan, tall, black hair, brown eyes, and somewhat built, really cute. His name was Gil, I learned it because we worked together on an assignment. Then came my last class at last, it sadly was Government, which was by far the most boring class, and the hardest I had to take that year. Taylor walked in, and I was a bit surprised to see her. I mean every Junior must take the class, but our group usually took advanced classes, and I was surprised she was in a normal class. She sat next to me, and just smiled at me. We weren't the closest of friends, but I guess sitting next to someone you somewhat know was better than a stranger.

The school day was over, and I was headed to the bus. As I was walking out I heard my name being called. I turned around, and saw it was Jackson.

"So how was your summer? I didn't hear from you."

"Sorry I went on a trip to Mexico. It was alright, what about yours?"

"I went to Tennessee to see my family too. So, boring."

"Understandable. Are you riding the bus?"

"No, my brother is giving Cole a ride, so I'm going with them. You want a ride?"

"Thanks, but I am good."

"Ok, I guess I'll see you later." He said, and gave me a hug, then jolted to his brother's car. I didn't even get to say bye to him. I knew he didn't want to be in the car with Cole. But he also didn't want Cole to be alone with his brother since they could get into some trouble. He always thought the friendship between them was dangerous, and didn't want his brother to end up in prison.

When I got on the bus I sat next to Max again, my friend Krystal, and Jayden joined. I was a little sad that I didn't get to talk, or see Kyle at all after the month I had gone without talking to him.

For some reason our school district decided to have our first day back on a Friday which meant I had to wait after the weekend to be done so I could see my friends again.

Monday when I walked into school I waited at the spot we always met for the group, but they didn't show up. I was a bit upset because I really wanted to see him, and talk to him, but it seemed like he didn't care too much, and that really bummed me out.

I went on with my life, and classes. I learned the name of the cute guy I had seen in French class was Cody.

On Thursday We had our first block day which meant we got released from school earlier. Henry and I had the same lunch, so we sat together. Which was a relief since I sat alone in the library the rest of the days. I gave Henry the key chain I had brought him from Mexico.

"I said I wanted something nice, not this." He said. He had a straight face, and I was worried he was being serious.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"I'm kidding. Holly crap dude, you gotta know when I'm joking by now."

"I guess I do." I smiled.

"I love it, thank you." He said and took his seashell keychain, and put it in his pocket. I smiled because it seemed our friendship wasn't as damaged as my friendship with Kyle.

Late at night I got a text from Kyle.

Hey, haven't seen you this week. He said.

Yeah, I didn't see you guys Monday, so I assumed you guys met somewhere else now.

No, just come to our usual spot tomorrow. We'll be there.

Ok, sounds like a plan. I told him.

I was happy to know Kyle still thought of me, and I was for sure going to meet with him in the morning.

The next morning he was there, and I walked towards him. I said hi to everyone, but all I wanted to do was hug Kyle. I had missed him so much, and I was glad I got to see him. I wanted to tell him that there was not a day I didn't think of him, and wished we could have texted, but I kept all my feelings inside like I always did because I was afraid.

Time went on, and before everyone knew it October started. One day Max, and I were on the bus, and it made a stop after we got on. A mystery guy I had never seen got on, but Jayden seemed to know him because the new guy sat next to him, and said he missed the bus early. I knew Max and I were the second to last stop. Krystal being the last, so there was no reason he should be there. Cole seemed to know this guy as well because they talked for a second.

Jackson didn't like waking up early, so his brother gave him a ride in the mornings, and sometimes in the afternoon. It was sad because that just meant I didn't get to talk to him a lot, but at least I got to talk to the others who rode the bus, sadly Cole was one of them. The school year seemed like it was going to be interesting, I was just hoping that the tidal wave wouldn't happen.

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