Chapter 16: Hopes Up, Hopes Down

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A couple of days went by, and October had already started. It was my favorite time of year. The air was cold, leaves falling, sun set sooner, all the new horror movies that came out, and Halloween. Halloween was the best holiday of the year. I mean for once you could wear whatever the hell you want, and people just thought your custom was creative. Also for once everyone wore masks, it was just that some wore physical ones whereas people like I wore a metaphorical one. Halloween was always going to be my favorite holiday of the year.

Friday morning when I got on the bus Xander talked to me.

"Hey, the next Drama Club meeting is coming up, are you still coming since it's the same time as Creative writing?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I am still going. I'll just skip Writing this week."

"Ok, cool." He said, and smiled. "I was worried you wouldn't go anymore." He added.

How the fuck was I supposed to get over him, and every other straight guy if they pulled shit like this. I want to get over them, and find a cute gay guy to befriend, or maybe even go on a date with, but it was hard when the straight guys would do stuff like that.

"Don't I'll still be there." I said back to him.

"Cool." He said, and smirked at me with his head tilted backwards. Nope, getting over him was not going to happen this morning, and it sure as hell wasn't going to be easy.

The bus stop after my stop, a guy got on. It was Aiden, Xander's best friend, who sat with him, and Xander turned all of his attention to him. I was a bit mad that Xander wasn't paying attention to me, but it was okay because I got some time to look at Aiden. Although he was similar in height, and hair color as Xander, Aiden had blue eyes, and a smaller face than Xander, but Aiden was still cute, and I couldn't help but to look at him from my seat. Jayden, and I started talking, and somehow Max was brought up to the conversation.

"Wait, you're Marcos? Max won't shut up about you."

"I guess that's me." I said.

"Cool. He and I spent a lot of the summer together. He moved to St. Louis, but he's visiting this weekend. I'll have him come up to see you." He said. His voice was cute too.

"Thanks, that'd be great." I said. The conversation ended, but I kept looking at Aiden. He was cutter now for some reason. Shit, no, not doing this again. Not adding another straight guy to the list of my hopeless crushes. But it couldn't hurt to just look at him.

When I got to school Henry was there with Kyle, and Adam. I went up to them to talk.

"Hey." I said looking at Henry.

"Hey." He said with a smile. Fuck, it wasn't the first time I saw him doing something like that, but it was different. It was powerful enough to give me butterflies in my stomach. "How was work?" He added. I texted him the night before while I was at work complaining.

"I got yelled by Rick, and only had the urge to cry once while washing dishes."

"That's rough, you really shouldn't put up with him." He said.

"I know. I put in my two week notice two weeks ago. Sunday is my last day."

"And you didn't tell me?" He faked being mad, every time he did this made me worried he actually was mad at me.

"Sorry, I just wasn't sure if it was a rushed decision, or a good one."

"I'm kidding. It was definitely a good one. I could see you were struggling with school work, and work. So probably the best thing you could've done for your mental health was to leave. I'm proud of you."

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