Chapter 14: The Beginning of the End

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Good luck on your first day Senior year. Max texted me.


Have fun

I'll try. He moved away halfway through summer, and I hadn't seen him since, and was probably not going to see him ever again. I really miss this guy, he had become one of my closest friends in the two years I knew him, and the worst part was that I no longer had a friend on the bus. I mean Jayden, Trevor, Xander, and Jackson were there, but they didn't know yet.

I told myself that I was going to make the best out of this year, and was going to have as much fun as possible. I was going to make it my year. It's weird to think of me as a senior, never did I picture myself getting this far in life, I always picture myself giving up before graduating, but I made it this far, so I had to keep going. Maybe there was something good in life.

When I got on the bus there was no seat I could find. I kept walking, trying to find an open spot, but there was none that I could find until I heard a voice call me out.

"Sit here" it was Trevor, I really did not want to sit with him, but I had to sit somewhere so the bus could get moving.

"Thanks." I said.

"So, how's my favorite Mexican?"

"About to hit you for being a racist."

"Wow. First day back, and someone is already moody." I heard a voice from behind our seat

"Xander." I said, smiling. He was also smiling, and his eyes lit up when I said his name.

"Hey, how was your summer?"

"Boring. I had to go to the desert."

"Sounds like it was rough."

"Yeah, how was yours?" I asked.

"It was good. I got a..." He was interrupted by another voice.

"I'm going to need your help this year. I'm taking Spanish." It was Maia.

"Ok, I'll help you." I told her.

"Thanks." The conversation ended, but by then Xander was already talking to someone else. I wanted to keep talking to him, but I didn't want to annoy him. I was going to wait til he had time for me.

Once we were inside the building I went to where the group usually met.

"You made it!" Kyle said.

"Hey." Adam added.

"Hey, yeah, why wouldn't I make it?"

"I don't know, maybe the bus was going to be late." Kyle said.

"Okay." I said, and we checked our schedules. As expected, we didn't have classes together. Henry, and Mindy showed up a bit after, and we checked schedules too. Mindy and Kyle dated back in eighth grade, but she and I were never close friends, and I didn't know Henry knew her. She was about 5 '1 short dark brown hair, and green eyes. After looking at our schedules we learned that Henry, and I did not have classes together either, but that was expected, however Mindy and I had acting class together. It was going to be an interesting year.

When I got to third hour (French) I saw Gil sitting in class already.

"You're in this class too?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said, I was going to sit next to him, but Cody, the cute guy who was also in my French class last year, walked in.

"You're sitting with me." Cody said.

"Yeah, okay." I said, and followed him into a seat.

"I'll sit with you guys." Gil said, and followed us. I sat between Gil, and Cody. They were completely different yet both were really attractive. Cody. was shorter, about 5 '6, long blond hair, reddish skin, blue eyes, but he was muscular whereas Gil was more on the lean side.

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