Chapter 25: Inevitable

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Friday morning I got to school late. Aiden wasn't there so I didn't get a chance to talk to him. Jayden was, so we talked for a bit.

When I got to class Mindy, and David were talking.

"I'm finally picking up my dress tonight." Mindy said.

"Nice. I'm not going to go to our prom, my friend invited me to go to hers, so I'm just going to go to that one instead." He said.

"How about you, are you ready for prom?" Mindy asked me.

"Me? Oh I'm not going. I think it's stupid that we have to pay $50 to get in. Also renting a tux just for one night is a little too much."

"I think you secretly want to go." Mindy said.

"There's nothing wrong with wanting to go. Besides, you have a job now so you can afford to go." David said.

"I don't know. I don't have anything, and it's too close to the day to find something cheap."

"You're not a girl. You just need to find something that fits you, and you'd be ready." Mindy said.

"I guess." I said. Then the morning announcements started. I took out my phone, and started scrolling through since our teacher didn't mind. The principal talked about prom ticket sales starting Monday, but the administration had made a raffle. The winners would get free prom tickets, and announce the names. I wasn't paying attention until I heard my name being called. I was smiling at my phone, but I could feel the looks from everyone in the room turn to me. Mindy did the same, but she didn't look too happy.

"You got a free ticket to prom. There is no excuse not to go anymore." She said.

Great now I had to go because everyone expected me to, but how was I supposed to go without a date. I didn't want to be lame and go without someone. Now I had to go get a tux, and be prepared to go, and most importantly I had to request the day off work, but since it was too close I wasn't sure I was going to get the day off. Why did I have to get a ticket? What was the universe planning?

Later at lunch I had to pick up said ticket. Jackson forced me to go.

"Please, I'm not going to prom, and I would like to see what those stupid tickets look like." He said.

"I want to not think about prom for a second." I said.

"If I could take your ID, and go get it I would, but it's obvious I don't look like you in the slightest."

"Fine, we can go get it." I said.

"So, what are you going to wear?" Jackson asked.

"A tux." I said, not sure what he meant.

"No shit, dumbass. I meant what color, shirt, and vest. And tie." He said.

"I don't know. The tux can be black, and the rest I'll figure it out I guess." I said.

"What about a date?"

"I don't have one."

"You're going without a date? That's lame. Let me ask one of my friends. Why don't you take Maia?"

"I'm good. She's going with Abby as friends because Maia's boyfriend is over 21."

"Well tag along with them. Just don't be a lame ass showing up by yourself."

"Ok, dad." Then it hit me. I had to tell my dad. It was going to be the most excruciating conversation yet.

When the day ended I went to Henry's locker, it was the first time I was seeing him all day.

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