Chapter 24: It's All in the Stars

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April finally arrived, and although it wasn't warm out yet, they let us sit outside for lunch. When I didn't feel like going to the library I joined Kyle, and his friends, but just like before I just watched them interact while I sat there in silence.

Monday morning was a bit rough. Henry, Seth, and I got some news that we weren't expecting, and kinda sucked.

"So I asked her out?" Jordan said.

"Who?" Seth asked.

"McKenzie." Jordan replied.

"Did she say yes?" I asked, to not be suspicious.

"She did. We're going on our first date tomorrow." He said.

"Aw you got your first girlfriend so happy for you." Henry said.

"Thanks, I still can't believe she said yes." Jordan said, smiling. I was happy for him, but sad at the same time.

"Me neither. I can't believe you got a girlfriend before I did." Seth said.

"Well believe it asshole. Now you guys just need to get someone to go to prom with." Jordan said, and then McKenzie showed up with Taylor.

"Hey guys." McKenzie said.

"Would you have gone out with me had I asked you first?" Seth asked McKenzie.

"Don't answer that babe." Jordan said, and hugged her, and she hugged him back.

"I'm just trying to see if I'm ugly, or if I have a shot with someone." Seth said.

"You'd need to ask the girl you want to ask, not just any girl." Taylor said.

"I agree with her. Not everyone's going to like you, but maybe the one you like will like you back. You won't know unless you ask." McKenzie said. I hated that it also applied to me. How was I supposed to know if Henry liked me if I never asked.

Tuesday, the temperatures were changing faster, and my head was in pain. I've noticed that my heart hurts more during the winter time, and I get a lot of headaches when it starts to get warm outside.

I decided to go to Drama Club instead of Creative Writing because Josie was not going to make it, and I still had to stay after school to practice my driving with my dad. During spring break I asked my dad if he could pick me up from school every day to practice my driving, and I was shocked he said yes. Tuesday was day two so I wasn't expecting to get my license for a while.

In Drama Club I saw this really cute guy who I have seen before walking in the hallways, and in some plays. I have the worst gaydar ever and I wasn't sure if he was gay or not, and I was not about to go ask him that. But he was cute to look at. I didn't even know if he knew of my existence, I mean who would I exist as a supportive character in everyone's life.

Later that day while I was at work I had a small chance to look at my phone while I was washing dishes, and I decided to read my horoscope.

"What'cha reading there?" Abby asked.

"Just my horoscope." I said.

"Awe that's cute." She said, smiling.

"Thanks?" I said unsure if it was a compliment or not.

"But you know that's not real right?"

"If it weren't real, why is it so accurate?"

"I gotta give it to him, there is some truth behind that shit." Maia said when she got back from cleaning tables.

"What's your sign?" She asked me, after rolling her eyes.

"Cancer, isn't it obvious?"

"Actually a bit." Maia added. I laughed.

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