Chapter 26: Lights, Camera, Wake Up Call

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Thursday morning felt like a new start. The way things had been going on recently was chaotic, but alas I felt better. With Jayden knowing I was gay he was sure to tell the group so I wouldn't have to do it, and Henry had told his group which meant my coming out story to my friends had come to an end. Finally.

When I got to school Henry, Seth, Jordan, and McKenzie were there already. Jordan and McKenzie were having a small argument about prom. I guess with it being one week away the world was a bit crazy.

"Marcos I haven't seen you in a while, you look skinnier without a coat." McKenzie said.

"Uh thanks." I said.

"Is it because of your stupid diet? I guess it paid off." Seth said.

"Yeah I guess it did."

"So what did you decide about prom?" Henry asked. Seth turned to talk to Jordan and McKenzie.

"Yeah, I'm not going. I don't have my license like I hoped, nor a ride, so I'm going to stay home watching Carrie." I said.

"I went to see it with a friend, it wasn't that good. Back to prom, I'd give you a ride if I'm the one who is driving." He said.

"It's ok. I'm not going. I have to work anyway." I told him. My manager asked me if I could work the morning shift, so I'd be off in time to go, but he didn't need to know. Besides he was going with Kevin, he'd been with him this whole time, and I was just going to end up getting hurt, and I was done. I didn't want to keep liking Henry. I needed to close that chapter, but this time for good. I saw him once, all dressed up nice, and I got butterflies. Seeing him like that again was just going to make things harder, and I didn't want that. I was just going to stay home playing Pokemon, and not getting my feelings hurt.

During lunch Henry, Seth, and I were visited by Jackson. Henry, and Seth were talking while they waited for Steven to show up, and I, as usual, was just there hoping one of them would talk to me. Luckily Jackson showed up, and I talked to him for a bit. He was tired so he was grumpy, and didn't talk much. He just laid his head on my shoulder for a couple of minutes, and when he was about to leave he poked my side just to make me twitch. When he left Henry looked at me weirdly. I wasn't sure why.

"I thought you said he wasn't your boyfriend." Seth said.

"He's not, he's just a friend. He's straight. I told you that before."

"No straight guy would flirt like that with a gay guy." Henry added. That's when it hit me. Jackson had been grounded for the past week, and hadn't hung out with Jayden yet, and he got his phone taken away too. This meant he didn't know I was gay. It was going to be awkward when Jayden told him.

Friday Jordan joined our group in the library during study hall. He sat next to me, and we were talking while Seth, Taylor, and Sam talked about prom, and stuff. At some point Jordan's arm brushed up against mine, and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I turned to look at him while he wasn't looking, and I noticed how cute he was. I mean I have always thought he was cute, but he had always been an asshole until recently. He was tall, tan, and had green eyes. His smile, and laugh were also cute. I knew he was straight, but it didn't hurt to look.

Monday we didn't have school, but I had work at three. When I showed up I saw Abby, and we talked for a bit.

"Come on, you should go to prom." She said.

"I don't feel like that's my scene. Besides, I'm working that day."

"You have enough time to go home, shower, and get ready. I guess you don't have time to go get pictures with your friends, but the dance will be worth it. It's your senior prom. Last dance, last time you get to be with your friends. You have to go."

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