Chapter 7: Jackson

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I'm going to kill Cole. Jackson said.

Why, what happened?

He took my knife and now he doesn't want to give it back

What a dick head. I'm sorry

It's fine. He'll be the sorry one for messing with me

There you go, you tell him who the boss is.

I told Jackson. I still didn't see why he was friends with someone like Cole. Sure Jackson was hard headed, and a dick at times, but Cole was unbearable.

With November at full blast everything around it had changed. The air was brisk, and most of the trees had lost their leaves; my favorite season had started.

That day at lunch I was walking to the table with some friends who had that lunch. Kurt, who I met back in ninth grade, and Shay, a girl who was in my theater class. We didn't talk much, but it was better than being alone. While I was heading that way I saw Jackson walk out of the main office.

"Oh god what happened?" I asked him. A bit scared of what he was going to say.

"I got kicked out of my class, so I had to get my schedule changed." He said there was some anger in his voice.

"Why? Can they even do that?" I asked him.

"Apparently. And it's all because I almost punched Cole since he didn't want to give my knife back, and the teacher got mad."

"Fuck, that's bad. Did you at least get the knife back?"


"Well you can just get another one to avoid Cole."

"I could, but that one has my name engraved, so if Cole does anything it could be blamed on me."

"Oh, shit. Yeah we need to figure out a way to get it back."


"Yeah, I could help."

"Thanks for trying, but stay away from Cole." He said, and patted my head "Do you have this lunch because I do as of today, so I could use some food." He added.

"Yeah, you can sit with my friends, we are sitting outside."

"Why the hell are you sitting outside? It's freezing."

"It's chilly, but not freezing. Not just yet."

"Whatever, let's go."

We went to our table, and I introduced Kurt to Jackson. Jackson, and Shay knew each other which was a bit concerning given that she was very flirty with Jackson. I did not like what I was seeing, but Jackson was sitting next to me so I wasn't too worried. Kurt noticed Jackson was shivering, and asked if he was cold.

"Yeah, I don't know why you guys are sitting out here. It's cold"

"I told you, it's chilly n..."

"Not cold. Yeah I know. I just don't understand how you are not cold. You are from Mexico, you should hate the cold, and love the warmth." Jackson said.

"Back in freshman year we had PE class together, and when we went outside during winter time he radiated heat. This boy was made for the cold. He's like a walking heater." Kurt said. Everyone turned to look at me, and what happened next was something I never expected. Jackson jumped closer to me, and wrapped his arms around me. His head was leaning on my shoulder, and his long blond hair was tickling my nose. My heart started to race, my stomach had butterflies, and I didn't know what to do.

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