Chapter 28: What A Time to Be Alive

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Monday I was in a bit of an aftershock. I couldn't believe I danced that much, or that I even danced at all. I was glad I went to prom even after I wasn't planning on going. Coming back to classes was the hardest thing to do because everybody had mentally checked out . There were only four weeks left for us Seniors, and senioritis was a bitch.

Before first hour we were all hanging out at our usual spot talking about prom. I was a bit mad that Henry didn't text me to go to the movies like he said we would, but I let it go. He wasn't mine to control, and I had to stop obsessing.

"What's your first period?" Seth asked out of nowhere.

"Uh, I have creative writing. Why?"

"Just curious. Any boys you find interesting there?"

"I think there's a cute guy in just about every one of my classes, but none think that about me."

"Cool." He said, and went away. I was a bit confused as to what had happened.

"Where Seth go?" Henry asked.

"I have no idea. He just asked me something, and walked away."

"Weird. I guess I'll see you later." He said, and walked away. Did I miss something? Was my attention lapse worse than I thought?

When I was on the bus Jayden, and Aiden were talking.

"Xander comes back next week." Aiden said.

"He's been gone for so long. I'm beginning to forget what his face looks like." Jayden said.

"You guys are pathetic. I've been gone before, and no one has missed me that much." Jackson said.

"That's not true. I've always missed you." I told him.

"And that's why you're sitting here with me." He said.

"But I wanted to sit with him." Aiden said.

"We can all sit together." Jackson said, and Aiden sat with us, but it was too uncomfortable.

"Sorry. I'm too fat for this." I said.

"You're not fat. You're beautiful." Jayden said.

"Jayden, take your pansexuality out of here." Jackson said.

"Fucking make me bitch." Jayden said. Jackson got up to punch Jayden, but I stopped him.

"I'd hug you to calm you down, but that'd probably be too gay."

"Fucking hug me you asshole." Jackson said, and cuddled with me. I was glad me coming out to this group didn't change our dynamic.

Tuesday went on about the same. At this point I was just a walking zombie waiting for the school year to end, but also not wanting it to end because it meant I was never going to see these people again. It was a weird time to be alive.

When school ended I went to Creative Writing Club where we all found out it was our last meeting for the school year, and the next one was going to be a party to say goodbye. I was really sad it was coming to an end. I had finally found a place where I felt happy, and I had to say goodbye to it.

"I can't believe it's all coming to an end. I'll be back in the fall, but you won't be here, and nothing will be the same" Josie said.

"Don't make me cry. I'm not ready to say goodbye to all of this yet. Part of me wants to get out of here now, but part of me wants to stay here forever."

"Well you'll be back when you're a teacher."

"Yeah, I guess that's true." I hadn't said anything to her or a lot of people, but I was not going to college in the fall. I guess I was going to take a gap year, and try again next fall. Maybe I'll have enough money then to go somewhere.

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