Part III Destined; Chapter 21: Life Anew, Hopefully

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Winter break had been the longest in our school's history, 27 days to be exact. We were only supposed to have 15, but because of a blizzard everything closed, everything except work. I started at the beginning of winter break, and I was just as miserable as before I left. Brad quit some time while I was gone, he found another job, and went for it. Abby was still there, and some other workers who were there before I quit. I was a bit upset. None of them were my friends, it would be a lot better if I had a friend at work, or another guy like Brad to work with.

During break Maia texted me, and told me she had placed an application there, so maybe everything soon was going to change, but it still wasn't good enough.

Break was weird, different. I didn't text anyone. I thought about texting Henry, hanging out with him, or maybe Aiden, Jackson, or Jayden, but I didn't. Mindy did text me, but she just wanted to talk about Teen Wolf, and wanted to create predictions for the rest of the show. I was hoping Kyle would text me to apologize for how he reacted, but he didn't. I wasn't sure what I was expecting from him. He had proven to be a bad friend, which was funny because he always criticized my friendship with Jackson, and said he was a bad influence. I wasn't sure why I craved Kyle's approval, and friendship; why did I care what someone who showed me his darkest side thought of me?

The perks of over three weeks of human detoxification was that I was slowly getting over all the crushes I developed over the past couple of months. Jackson was straight, and Aiden had never shown interest, so I had to move on. Gil was an asshole, and although he was cute, he was an alcoholic. My dad was an alcoholic when I was young, and I saw how bad things got, so I told myself I was going to stay away from alcohol so I wouldn't turn out like him. It was time to move on, and accept that I was not going to find true love while I was in high school, but maybe when I went away to college, and I couldn't wait. Henry was everything I ever wanted, but he was with Kevin, and I was not going to get in the way of that, and what could I do? Tell him I liked him? Then he would laugh, tell me I'm an idiot for thinking he liked me back, or worse he could stop being my friend. I had already fucked up badly with him, and I didn't want to make things worse.

College couldn't get here sooner, and to my luck senior year was dawning on us. The results from ACT were coming soon, and I needed to go to my counselor to talk about the results, and what were my chances for scholarships to help pay for school. I was feeling optimistic about the results, and I was more than ready to go find my prince charming somewhere else. The only problem was Henry, and the fact I couldn't get over him, but I was sure I was going to get over him at some point.

My schedule was a bit different than what it was first semester. I had creative writing class 1st hour, and drama class 4th hour with Mindy. Seth was now in my 6th hour, well I guess I was in his since I was the one who switched classes to that class. He seemed indifferent when he saw me there, but to my luck Sam, and Taylor were also in that class, so I sat with them, and we talked. I wasn't sure what Seth's deal was with me. I met him Seth in the 7th grade, and we were friends back then. We had PE together, and I sat with him, and his friends at lunch. Then we didn't have any classes, or lunch together in 8th grade so we didn't talk much, but I said hi to him every time I saw him. Then in high school I didn't get to see him at all the first couple of years, then he became friends with Henry, but now he was a dick to me for no reason, and I wanted to know what it was.

"Hey." I said to him.

"Hey." He said back.

"So Sam, Taylor, and I are going to the library to hang out there, do you want to join us?"

"You know as fun as that sounds I'm going to pass. I actually need to get my homework done, and I would like to use my time wisely rather than just talk to people."

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