Chapter 23: With A Friend, You're Never Alone

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Spring break went by slowly. I worked for the most part, and I didn't get to hang out with friends. Well not ones outside of my neighborhood, but I did get to hang out with Jackson, and Aiden.

"So what are you planning on doing after high school?" Aiden asked.

"I don't know yet. I was thinking maybe going to college, and studying to be like a teacher or something."

"Oh that's cool." He said.

"Don't fucking do that. High school teachers are the most hated people in the world. You don't want that." Jackson said.

"I think you should do what makes you happy, and do something you want to do. If being a teacher is that for you, don't listen to this asshole." Aiden said.

"Ok, he is kinda right. If that's what you want, go for it. I'm just saying kids are going to hate you no matter what." Jackson defended himself.

"I think people are going to hate me no matter what in general, so it's going to be okay."

"There's no way people can hate you. You're amazing." Aiden said.

"Whoever does is an idiot, and have them talk to me so I can beat their asses."

"Thanks guys." I said.

We walked for a bit more, and Jackson started to run away like a child. Aiden and I walked, and we started to talk.

"So you haven't told anyone recently?" Aiden asked.

"No. I er... I don't want to risk telling people right now. I don't want to lose friends for something like this." I told him.

"I get that. But I don't think people will act negatively. At least no one from the bus."

"Hopefully." We stopped talking because Jackson came back. I really didn't want to have more people treat me the way Kyle did. I get that there were issues he had to work with, but to lash out like that, and behave the way he did was not something I could deal with again. I did not want to have any more anxiety attacks because of people like him. I really did want to tell all of my friends, but I needed to be sure they'd be okay with me the way Henry, and everyone else I had told were. I did not want to get hurt again.

The Monday we got back to school was boring. Everyone was like a zombie craving extra resting days, and there I was excited to be back, and happy to see the people I cared about.

"Marcos I know it's still a bit chilly out there, but you need to do something about your outfits." Celia said while we were standing with the group.

"What's wrong with them?" I asked.

"All you have worn this winter is sweats, and jackets. No jeans, nothing styling anything. Sometimes I wonder if you're a homo or a hobo. Gotta change the style, and I promise you you'll get a man."

"That's harsh." Seth said.

"Yeah, don't listen to her. You're beautiful the way you are, and I like your style." Henry said. I was on the verge of crying, but I wasn't sure if it was because of what Celia said, or because of what Henry said.

"I'm just saying. If you want someone to like you, you have to change how you look. Looks matter." Celia added.

"Thanks dad, but no one is worth me changing how I look. I'm fucking comfortable in my cloths, and I like it. Whoever is going to like me will know that I'd rather be comfortable than look hot."

"That's an adorable belief, but guys don't work like that. I get made fun of all the time for being fat, so trust me, looks matter." She said, and left. We resumed conversations, but her words echoed in my head. I knew she was right, but I also meant what I'd say. I was not going to change to be with someone.

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