Chapter 19: Something Chipped

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Thanksgiving break was over, and so was November. December had started like a storm. It had been almost a week since I had seen Henry, and after everything that happened I wanted to move on. I wanted to freeze those feelings, and never face them again. They should have never appeared in the first place. They had caused too much trouble for me.

Monday, and Tuesday Henry wasn't in school which helped a lot. Tuesday I tried to talk to Kyle, but it seemed like he was mad at me for not talking to him in a while. In my defense it was his fault that I was mad at him for going to see a movie without me. A movie I wanted to see, and he told me that he and I would go see it. Sure I was being petty, but I didn't care. Either way he didn't talk to me that day, so I just went to class. After school I saw Celia, and she told me Henry had had a migraine attack, and that was why he hadn't been in school. I worried since I knew how bad they were for him. I texted him, but no response.

Thursday I saw Henry in the morning, but we didn't talk. Seth took him away before I could even say hi. I could've stayed, and tried to talk to Kyle again, but at this point I was just about ready to go home. I went to class, and studied for the ACT for a bit. Then I remembered I had to print another film critique for my film studies class. I loved that class, but the amount of homework they gave us was a bit too much. One person had dropped out, and a couple of others had already switched classes for the second semester. As much fun as the class was, the teacher made it hell, and I was contemplating switching classes for the second semester.

During lunch I went to the library to print the paper, and I saw Jackson, so I went and talked to him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Doing last minute homework. You?"

"Doing homework that was due yesterday."

"As usual."

"Yeah, oh yeah. Let me see your arm." He said turning away from his computer.

"Umm I haven't done anything."

"Ok, then let me see it." I rolled up both my sleeves to show I hadn't done anything. My scar was almost completely healed.

"I haven't done anything. I've been tempted, but I haven't. Yet."

"Good. I swear if you cut one more time I'm going to fucking kill you."

"But that's what would happen if I keep cutting. It's like the ultimate goal. A win-win for me."

"Ok, I'll kill you, bring you back to life, and then make you hang out with Trevor for a whole day."

"Please do not make me do that. I won't cut. I promise." I said smiling, and grabbing his arm. Although he was skinny I could still feel his muscles through the fabric of his jacket. Dammit, it was happening again. The feelings I had for him were coming back.

Near the end of the school day it started to snow, and it was coming down fast. When I got home I noticed there was about an inch of snow on the ground so I came up with a bullshit excuse to try and talk to Henry. He was probably not going to answer, but I wanted to know that at the very least I had tried.

Do you think school'll be canceled tomorrow?

Nah the roads are clear. Im impressed by your newly found love of contractions in just about every word.

Aint that the truth? Makes it easier to speak.

I hate you He said. It gave me butterflies talking to him.

Lol. Ik. I guess ill see you tomorrow.

I smiled. The way we talked, and how he was actually responding to me made me happy, like everything that had happened in the last couple of weeks no longer matter. It was as if I could get a fresh start with him, and there was nothing I wanted more than that.

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