Chapter 30: Someday Again

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Saturday was the most looked forward day, and also the most dreaded; graduation day. While I was on my way to Kyle's house I texted Henry. I wasn't sure if he was going to reply or not, but I took my chances.

Happy graduation day I texted him, and by the time I got to Kyle's house I had a response.

Shit is that today? I forgot

Lol don't you forget kid. I better see you ready to graduate tonight. I said, jokingly.

Kid? And yes you will see me today.

Good, and I'm 13 days older than you, so yeah, kid.

I hate you. He said.

You couldn't even if you wanted

Believe me I've tried.

*starts panicking* I texted him.

I was kidding, no need to hyperventilate.

Ok, good. I'll keep my cool while I go to Kyle's party.

He's having a party, and you guys didn't invite me?

Do you want to come? It's probably going to be like the ones I've told you about.

My mom just told me I have to go help her outside, I suddenly can't go.

Damn. Does she need my help too? I'm Mexican

Nah, you stay with Kyle, and have fun.

That will probably not happen.


When I went to Kyle's basement there was no one there. It was just him, playing some video games.

"I didn't think you'd show up."

"Yeah, where's everyone?" I asked him.

"They couldn't make it, most had plans with their families before graduation."

"Oh, lame."

"Yeah." He chuckled. "I'm glad you came though. It's been a while since you've been here."

"I know. I was thinking that on my way here."

"I know I've been kind of an asshole to you, and I want to apologize. I hope it doesn't affect our friendship going forward."

"Don't worry, it's all in the past. We're both going to college, and it's forgotten."

"Good. Wanna play video games?"

"You know I'll get killed in the first five seconds, but sure."

It was nice to move on, and start clean especially since we were both going to be seeing each other while at SCC.

When I got home my mom, and sister were getting ready, yet I got done before they did.

"Do you want me to take pictures of just you, while we wait for them?" My step dad asked.

"Uh, sure."

"Ok, let me get your camera. Look for a place outside." He said excitedly. I felt bad because his daughter, who lived in Guatemala, was also graduating high school, and he wasn't able to be with her. He hadn't seen her in almost 10 years, and in a way I think me, and my sister helped fill in for her, so I decided to take pictures I knew he would later post on Facebook. Although I wasn't his biological son I was ok with having two dads.

Since my mom, and sister were taking forever, my step dad drove me to the place where graduation was taking place, and then went back to pick them up. As soon as I got out of the car the first person I saw was Henry. I wasn't sure how that happened since it was a big parking lot, and there were hundreds of cars, and people everywhere.

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