Chapter 29: A Road's End is the Beginning of the Journey

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Monday After school I was doing my homework when there was a knock at my door.

"Come hang out with us." Jackson said. Jayden, and Aiden were with him.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

"Why must you want to control everything? Just come with us, and you'll have fun." He added.

"We're going to hang out at Xander's house." Aiden said.

"So, come on. Let's go." Jackson said.

"Fine." I put my stuff away, and I went with them.

Xander was outside waiting for us. He was sitting on his porch steps in a white tank top, and black shorts. It made him look tanner, and his blond hair helped his green eyes pop out. He was really cute. I missed seeing his face every day.

"You guys took forever. Hi Marcos." He said. I nearly fainted because of his smile. God he was beautiful.

"Blame this dumbass for taking too long." Jackson said about me.

"Sorry I was busy when you guys showed up." I said.

"Let's just go inside." Xander said. We hung out in the living room, he gave us some water, and after a couple of minutes Jackson pulled out his new ecig.

"I thought you were quitting." I said.

"I quit smoking. This is an ecig. It's better for you." He said.

"No, it's not."

"I'll tell you what. If you smoke weed with us, I'll stop smoking ecigs as well. What do you say?"

"I'm not smoking weed with you guys."

"Then I'll continue smoking ecigs, and maybe I'll go back to smoking regular cigarettes."

"I hate you." I said.

"No, you don't. You love me you dumbass." Jackson said, and hugged me the way he used to do when he got cold last year.

"Guys leave the gay shit for later." Aiden said. Jackson wasn't happy, and punched him in the arm. It was fun being there, and seeing them act all weird. I got a headache from the smoke. They were asking me if I was sure I didn't want a hit, I said no every time.

"Leave Marcos alone. He's good, and won't do it." Jayden said.

"I know he's too good, it's annoying sometimes."

"I can be a bad guy." I said, mad that everyone kept thinking I was too good. I reached for Jackson's ecig, and took a couple of hits.

"Yes. I finally did it. I corrupted him." Jackson said really happy, and hugged me.

"You can't corrupt something that was never good." I said. We hung out for a bit more, but eventually we all had to go home.

Wednesday during lunch we had our senior lunch, and Henry decided to skip class, and hang out with us. Jackson was hanging out with me, and Seth was talking to his friends. Jackson needed to go to the restroom, but when he was coming back the door locked on him, and he wanted me to go let him in. As I was getting up Henry grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Don't let him in. He's not even a senior." He said.

"I have to, otherwise I won't hear the end of it, or he'll just hit me on the bus."

"Don't let him control you. He's not a good friend for you. Don't let him in." Henry said.

"He doesn't control me, just trust I know what I'm doing. He's my friend. I know he's not like your friends, he's not 'normal' but neither am I. You know I am close to being a psychopath."

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