Part II Confronted; Chapter 11: What Comes Next?

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The last couple days of the school year went by in a blink. There was this feeling that came over me that I hadn't felt in a very long time; the feeling of accomplishment. Satisfaction of coming out to Henry. I also told Max I was gay, and although he said he didn't care he started acting weird around me. He didn't sit with me as often, but it might have been that it was his last couple of days of school, and he wanted to spend as much time as he could with all of his other friends since he was a Senior.

Jackson was still Jackson. Sometimes I look at him and I feel my feelings for him coming back. This mostly happened when he was nice to me, and it made me want to pull him in for a kiss, but to my luck he was an asshole most of the time, and the feelings went away. I hope my constant misery of falling for straight guys would end soon, shit wasn't funny.

One day Jackson knocked at my door.

"Come with me."


"Just do." He said, and I followed. We ended up at The Creek again. "So are you ready for summer?" He asked.

"I mean I guess." We walked for a little more, and he decided to stop by this fallen tree crossing a pond.

"Here's where I like to relax, and think. Well sometimes I do more than that."

"Ew gross."

"No, not that." He said. "I uh... I come here to smoke" He said looking a bit ashamed.

"I thought you said you didn't smoke."

"I am trying to quit. I promise."

"Good. it's not good for you."

"Yeah, I know. Let's go." He said. We walked a little more, and ended up having to cross a puddle.

"Do we have to cross?" I asked.

"If you want to get home, yes."

"Fuck. I don't want to get my shoes wet."

"Oh, are you scared of a little water?" He said, and splashed water at me.

"Fuck you." I said, and splashed more at him.

"Wait no, my phone is in my pocket." He said

"Yeah, so it's mine." I said, and he splashed more water at me, so I splashed more at him. We were both wet, and our phones too.

"Ok, call it even?" He asked.

"Fine." I said. And we walked back home.

The next day in school I didn't get to see Jackson, which made me sad. Being with him, playing in the creek gave me hope that maybe after all he could like me, and he could be my first boyfriend. The only person in the bus left to talk to was Trevor, to my misfortune. Jayden was suspended because he got caught selling pills in school, he wasn't going to be back at school until the fall.

"So, did Jackson tell you he was moving?" Trevor asked me.

"What? No he didn't say anything." I said. I had spent nearly three hours with Jackson the day before, and if he was actually moving he would have said something.

Trevor kept talking to me, and I was getting annoyed. When we finally got off the bus he was still talking, and I snapped.

"Shut the fuck up, god damn." I said, and Trevor just laughed. It was like he wanted to get me mad, but I didn't notice Xander was behind me, and he talked to me.

"So much anger trapped in a small person. I didn't know this side of you." Xander said.

"Oh I can be mean, and cut a bitch if I need to. Especially if they are as annoying as Trevor."

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