Class meeting

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Idea: Me
Alya realises that Arabel isn't who she thought she was McKenzie had enough so she called both Miss Bustiers and McKenzie's teacher Mr Brown's class for a meeting

Lila is good in this one she changed into a better person
Savannah and Leah are in Miss Bustiers class
McKenzie and Adrienne are in Mr Browns class
Lila entered the classroom and witnessed Arabel badmouthing McKenzie. Alya had reached her limit and spoke up, saying, "Listen, Beckett, if you want to talk negatively about McKenzie, then have the guts to do it in front of her sister!" Rose chimed in, "Yeah, McKenzie can be difficult sometimes." Alya was taken aback and exclaimed, "Excuse me!?" Leah asked, "Alya, do you really think that?" Alya responded, "I'm done with her nonsense."

Alya added, "I feel the same way. Now, where is Lila?" Lila replied, "I'm right here." Lila continued, "Alya, I know you're aware that Arabel is spreading lies. I overheard her telling some pretty awful falsehoods." Alya agreed, saying, "Yeah." Savannah asked, "Where's Mari?" Alya rolled her eyes and replied, "Late, as usual."

Lila scowled at her and said, 'Listen here, Beckett. You are not allowed to spread these lies in my spot!' Nathaniel chimed in, 'And what you said isn't true. The Dupain-Cheng sisters are amazing.' Arabel added, 'But Marinette took my miraculous!' Marinette retorted, 'I did not take anything from you, and that is rightfully mine!' She snatched back her earrings and added, 'Thank you very much, now scram!' Kim entered with Marinette and Chloé, saying, 'Guys, now that you're here, you can see that Arabel isn't who we thought she was.' Nino responded, 'Kim, we knew this from the very start.' Lila snapped, 'If you knew, why didn't you tell us? Yes, I was like that once, but seriously, I heard her threatening McKenzie in the locker room just a week ago!' Marinette exclaimed, 'Lila, why didn't you tell me!?' Lila apologized, 'Sorry, I forgot. But Rose, what the hell!' Marinette continued, 'What!?' Alya asked. 'Yes, Mari, she called your twin sister a bitch,' Marinette revealed. Alya threatened, 'Listen here, Lavient. If anyone tells me that you are talking shit about McKenzie, I will stop making costumes for the kitty section!' Arabel demanded, 'My necklace, where is it!?' Marinette responded, 'McKenzie took it. She had it with her the whole time!' McKenzie countered, 'Bullshit. I know you took it.' Marinette defended herself, 'Instead of spitting bullshit about me, check your space. Alya and I are close to Marinette, and yes, I have it because Alya gave it to me!' Alya high-fived her, and Adrien entered the scene, asking, 'What the hell is she doing here!?' Kim explained, 'Adrien, Arabela Beckett here has been spreading bullshit about McKenzie, your girlfriend's sister!' Adrien gave Arabela a glare and stated, 'I knew Adrienne wasn't lying!' Marinette added, 'Half of the class knew,' with a stern tone.

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