Landons confrontation to his mother

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Idea: Me
For as long as Landon can remember his mother has been absent from he and his sisters life's and then she decided to come back in thier lives but Landon isn't having it
Landon's eyes rolled in annoyance when his mother entered the room, carrying bags in her hands. Landon and his girlfriend Savannah proceeded to go upstairs. His mother called out, "Landon, why don't you join us?" Landon rolled his eyes once again. "Liv and Lydia should come too," Savannah suggested. "Come on, please." Landon let out a sigh and kissed her cheek. "Coming!" he replied with a tone.

Savannah remained by his side, her voice filled with amusement, "Ahh Landon, that tickled!" Landon playfully continued to shower her with kisses, as she protested, "I don't want to!" In a joking manner, Landon blew a raspberry on her most sensitive spot, causing her to exclaim, "Ahhh!" Ms. Cardwood observed the playful exchange between the two with amusement and asked, "Liv, have you found anyone yet?" Liv blushed and replied, "Nope!" Landon chuckled and addressed Liv, "Liv..." Rolling her eyes, Liv retorted, "Oh, shut up."

Ms Cardwood expressed, "I am returning to stay with you all." Landon's expression showed no signs of happiness as he retorted, "So now you want to come back, Everly?" Taken aback, Everly responded, "Excuse me?" Landon interrupted, "Because of you, I wrongly directed my anger towards my girlfriend's best friend, and I deeply regret it!" Lydia attempted to intervene, saying Landon's name, but he silenced her, exclaiming, "Shut up, Lydia! I had to single-handedly raise Lydia and Liv, with no freedom, and yet they are both very ungrateful!" Landon's voice trembled with tears on the brink as he continued, "Moreover, our classmates turned against me once they discovered I was a bully. So, I apologize for my reaction. You turned my life into a mess!"

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