Never mess with Madrigal or Garcia

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Mirabel and Mateo were close friends until Mirabel discovered that Mateo Sanchez had been a victim of bullying by her former tormentors. Disturbed by this revelation, Mirabel confided in her boyfriend, Mateo, who immediately devised a strategic plan.
While taking a stroll after her training to become Alma's successor as the candle holder, Mirabel came across her former school. Memories of the bullying she endured and the special bond she formed with her best friend, Mateo Sanchez, flooded her mind. Lost in her thoughts, she received a text from him.

"Madrigal, please join us in the alley if you wish to prevent any harm from coming to your dearest friend."

Mirabel hurriedly made her way to the dreaded location, but she gave it her best effort. Her best friend, Mirabel, called out, "Teo!?" Mateo groaned in pain. Martin noticed Mirabel and Mateo's presence and asked, "Mira Teo?" Mirabel replied, "Hey, a little help here." Martin exclaimed, "Oh my god, Matt, are you okay?!" Mirabel angrily stated, "You little jerk!" She then turned to Mateo and asked, "Matt, tell me if it hurts anywhere." Carlos chimed in, "Mira Mateo, your boyfriend is here. He's asking for you. Holy crap, dude, are you okay?!" Mirabel requested, "Hey, Los, can you ask Abuela if Matt can stay at the casita?" Mateo responded, "Mira, really?" Mirabel reassured him, "Matt, you were there for me, and so will I be for you." Carlos called out, "Cami! Is Mateo waiting?" Camilo replied, "So is Lilana~" Mirabel burst into laughter, causing Carlos to blush. "Camilo!" Mirabel laughed again, saying, "Help me, you idiots!" The tone of the conversation was filled with concern, frustration, and a touch of humor.

At the Casita
Mateo caught sight of his girlfriend and exclaimed, "Look, my love!" Mateo Sanchez greeted, "Hey Garcia!" Responding, Mateo said, "Hey Sanchez." Mateo Garcia questioned, "Hey Sanchez, what on earth happened!?" Mirabel intervened, "My love, please lower your voice. Carlos is still shaken." Carlos added, "Seriously, but yes, Mira is right." Mirabel affectionately kissed Mateo Garcia on the cheek and suggested, "Let's go hang out upstairs."

In Mirabel's room
Mateo Sanchez exclaimed, "How do we eliminate them?" Mirabel responded, "Matt's sister Julia should do the trick." Julia entered the room and asked, "You called?" Mirabel explained, "Julia, there is a boy who used to bully me because I didn't have a gift that my Aunt Pepa gave him. She warned him, and he stopped bothering me." Mateo inquired, "Sanchez, how long did he bully you?" Mateo replied, "For 5 years." Mirabel embraced him gently, saying, "I don't want to hurt you, Matt." Mateo hugged back, ignoring the pain he was feeling. Julia asked, "Matt, has your aunt done anything to you?" Mirabel looked at him, and he shook his head, replying, "No." Mirabel pulled up his sleeves and exclaimed, "Matt, what are these?" Julia remarked, "Those are new." Mateo nodded in agreement. Mateo Sanchez entered the room and exclaimed, "I brought more Arepas and some treats. Garcia, what the hell happened?" Mirabel revealed, "His aunt abuses him." Mateo nodded in understanding. Mateo Sanchez addressed Señora Carmen, asking, "Did you know that Mateo was abused by Sophia?" Carmen responded, "Yes, Mateo." Mateo said, "Austin, come here, my love."

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