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The flashes from the cameras are blinding as I get out of the car and onto the red carpet for the world premiere of the latest movie I'm in. My smile as bright as it always is, yet behind it is a mixture of unease and hurt. 

All because I know that he will be here. 

And with her...

This week has been hell. The press tour throwing us back together side by side from interview after interview. We have to laugh and joke, smile behind the awkwardness. 

It was wrong to do what we did in the first place, and yet somehow I still feel the stab in my heart whenever I look at him. 

It wasn't a passing infatuation. 

It was real...

We've had a year of no contact, avoided one another at all costs during awards shows and other events that we've both been invited to. To everyone else, we're the best of friends.

To us? 

Secret lovers who - although we tried to forget - still know that there is something between us. 

I see it in the way that he looks at me, because I look at him like that too, and yet he's still happy and in his relationship with the girl who he was dating at the same time our affair happened. 

Of course we didn't mean for it to. Neither of us went into our job with the intention of hooking up with one another. It just sort of happened, and even through it I felt guilt. 

So I did what my head and heart told me to. I walked after the scathing argument after filming had wrapped, and I haven't spoken to him since. Well, not until the press tour started. To me it felt like three years that we were 'together', but it was only a mere three months. 

They say that time flies when you're having fun. It certainly flew for me. 

"Everly! Ever over here! Look over here Everly!" The photographers call as I stand and pose for them, journalists and interviewers waiting for me to get the lowdown on the film. The same questions are always asked. 'What can we expect from...' or 'did you have to go on a diet for this role?' 

"Let's keep on going Ever". Lucy, my manager says to me and I nod, heading down the carpet. 

I'm busy talking to one journalist when the screams become louder and I turn, seeing Chris now getting out of the car...and with her...

I knew she'd be here. She's always by his side at things like this lately. 

Poker face initiated. 

"Wow he's looking good tonight isn't he?" The journalist says and I simply laugh. 

"When does he not?"

"Now, your character in the film is Ransom's cousin right? So what can you tell us about her and is she just as bad as the other members of her family that we've seen in sneak peeks so far?" 

I grin. "She's worse. I think on par with Ransom if we're gonna be honest. She's certainly not who she appears to be". 

Yeah...neither am I...

"And it's going to be interesting to see just how the audience take to her..." I finish off as Lucy says to me we have to move on. 

The interviewer thanks me and I go over to the backboard so I can be pictured in front of it, before having photos done with the rest of the cast. 

Then Chris comes over and we put on the best acting of our lives. 


"You look great Ever". He says quietly to me. 

I smile and nod, knowing the cameras are on us, "You too - and you look lovely Jenny - love your dress" I turn to his girlfriend and make an effort to compliment her. 

"Thanks" Is all she replies, looking a little put out that her boyfriend in conversation with another woman yet again. 

Ignore this, seeing Lucy and Megan come over, "They want some pictures of you two - can you guys go stand by the backdrop". 

"Sure thing". Chris replies as Jenny goes to stand with some other members of Chris's family that have come along tonight. 

His arm slips around my waist and we pose for the cameras, then joining the rest of the cast for a picture. All the time his hold on me never leaves. 

It's like he doesn't want to let go, and neither do I... 

His hold on me reluctantly falls once the pictures are over and we make our way into the theatre for the screening, during which I look down the line of seats to where he's sitting a few away from me. He turns to look at me and I look away.

I can't sit through the whole film like this and whisper to Lucy that I'm quickly going to the toilet as I get up. 

The foyer is empty, the fans, photographers, and media outside long gone as I look out of the doors. Only the carpet remains for now. 


I close my eyes as I hear Chris's voice from behind me and wince slightly. But I don't look back at him. 

"You should go back inside..." My voice shakes, "before they come looking for you" and by 'they' I only really mean one person. 

"I just wanted to make sure that you were ok..." 

I nod. "I'm fine". 

"No you're not, Everly - look at me". He never calls me Everly, so I know he's serious. I slowly turn around to look at him, trying not to cry. His expression is a mixture of pain and desperation. "Shit..." He sighs, knowing that this is hurting me too. 

"I think I'm gonna grab Lucy and head home, I'm not feeling too great". I lie

"Ever...don't go..." 

I just shrug and shake my head at him, knowing that this will just be as painful as the last time. 

"Already gone". 

Aftertaste - A Chris Evans StoryWhere stories live. Discover now