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I sit and have coffee with my parents in the hotel restaurant the morning after the premiere. They didn't attend last night as it's not their kind of thing, but they support me through and through. They never really wanted this for me, fearing that my privacy would constantly be invaded (which it is) and that I'd end up having 'problems' aka going to rehab for addiction or something. 

I've proved them wrong thankfully. 

"I see you and that nice young man's pictures splashed all over the internet this morning". Mum says, sipping her tea. "Your co-star, very dishy". 

"Yeah" I say nervously. "He's something alright". 

My mum isn't an idiot. She knows something is there. I am her daughter after all. "Just be careful please Everly". Now putting down her cup she looks worriedly at me. "I was chatting to Lucy and she told me about last year when you were filming with him". 

I'm gonna have to muzzle my manager at this rate. 


"Everly. He has a girlfriend - do you honestly think that he would have left her for you?" 

I stare at her. "Well he didn't, did he?" 

"And what about now? Do you still feel something for him?". 

I take a dignified sip of tea and shake my head. "No. We're just friends, that's all". 

She sighs. "When I heard that you were sleeping with a taken man..." 

"Mum, please don't lecture me, because I felt the guilt at times too. I never meant for things to end up how they did". 

"Well just know you id the right thing walking away last time. Isn't that right dear?" She looks to my dad who has remained silent this whole time. He only tends to give his input when necessary.

Dad sits back and nods. "You don't want to be going down that road Everly, whether you're just friends or not". 

"For fuck sake" I mutter, "Look I've told you how it is, and that's all". 

They say no more about the matter, and the rest of the conversation is sparse until I have to get ready for my flight back. We say our goodbyes and I head up to my room. "Ah, there you are". Lucy says, "How was breakfast with the parents?" 

"Why did you tell them about what fucking happened last year?" I demand, still feeling pissed. "They don't need to know that shit Luce!" 

She sighs. "Everly...I didn't mean to..." 

"It's ok, they're just incredibly disappointed in my actions. So thank you for lowering their expectations of me even further". I say and grab my bag. "Let's just get out of here." 

As we leave the hotel I see Chris with Megan and the security team in the foyer. He spots me, says something to Megan and then comes over to see me - Lucy making herself scarce as she knows I'll tell her to piss off anyway. 

"You do realise they'll know something's up now you've come over". I tell him. 

"What so we're not allowed to even talk? Let them think what they want". He says. "When I get home I'll talk to Jenny - she's not back for another couple of days though". 

I shrug. "I can wait".

"I'm not asking you to". He tells me. 

"No, but you know that I will". I say determinedly. 

Would he wait for me? Part of me says yes and the other remains to be seen. I won't stop feeling anxious until he actually tells me that he and Jenny are done, but there still is some excitement underneath it all that finally he's going to do what he was meant to last year. I glance over his shoulder, seeing Lucy and Megan watching us. "They're not stupid Chris, they're gonna know - so for now just hug me and say goodbye. No kiss or anything."

He leans in and hugs me, then whispering in my ear. "Not long now till I can finally have you to myself Evermore". 

Then he lets go and heads back to Megan, giving Lucy a hug goodbye and heading out to the waiting car with his team. I watch him go while Lucy rejoins my side. "All checked out..." 

Yeah, we certainly are...

"Cool, let's get going then". I say, not wanting to waste any more time. 


We have a special screening for the movie in a couple of days so I know that I'll see Chris again then. In between that we have more promo to do such as photoshoots. I have interviews and shoots with magazines such as Elle (I'm not that established to be worthy of Vogue...yet) and I patiently wait to see whether I receive any text from Chris. He's just as busy as I am so I'm not expecting it to be right away - plus he said that Jenny wouldn't be back until a few days anyway.

Finally the day before the screening I see his name flash up as I pack some things into an overnight bag, getting ready for the car to pick me up later on this evening. 

"Hey" I say brightly as I answer his call. 


He never calls me Everly...

"Chris? Are you ok? What's wrong?" He doesn't sound too good, distant even. Something has upset him for sure and I wonder whether he's spoken to Jenny and this is the aftermath. 

He doesn't even acknowledge my questions, instead getting straight to the point 

"We need to talk..." 

Aftertaste - A Chris Evans StoryWhere stories live. Discover now