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Calls upon missed calls are racking up on my phone as both Amy and Lucy are calling me. I don't answer though and in the end switch my phone off.

I'm Boston bound, having packed up what I need for the time being and fleeing LA before my ex manager and publicist can get their hands on me.
They know I'll have run to him though. That much is obvious.

Scott 🤠 : did you do it?

Even my ex is rooting for me. He's sent over a damn plane to help me run.

I did. Lucy and Amy are hounding me with calls though. Thank you for your help again, honestly don't know what I'd do - I owe you.

Scott 🤠: you owe me nothing other than a beer 😉 you'll be better off without the god awful management of yours. You deserve better - you got the guy, now you need the team to back you.

Chris is looking into a few things for me, but says it's better to lie low once I've told Lucy and Amy that they're fired.

Scott 🤠 : wish I was there to see that 😈

Honestly shitting myself 😫

Scott 🤠: why? They two bitches deserve to lose your clientele after what they've said and how they treated you. They got you on the ladder so fucking climb higher Ev!

I sit back and down my glass of wine to calm my nerves as the plane soars along in between the clouds. I know for a fact that this will get out in the press, and I'll be made to look like the diva.

Bring it on. I have people to back me.

I land a few hours later at Boston and watch the world go by from the back of the car as it drives me to Chris's place. It's a far cry from LA but also London as well. I suppose this was right when he said we'd have more privacy here.

The car turns and heads down a long driveway until it slowly rolls to a stop. I get out and look around.

It's so quiet...

I see the door open and Chris is there, immediately I walk fast to him until I'm running. The tears already starting back up again. I haven't stopped crying since the whole incident with Amy and now as he wraps his arms around me and whispers that it'll be ok, I feel safe.

"C'mon Evermore, don't cry". He strokes my hair and then gets my bags, ushering me inside where Dodger is already jumping up excitedly. This makes me cry even more. It's like I'm meant to be here. "See, even Dodge is glad you decided to come".

I fuss over Dodger and then Chris leads me into the kitchen and sits me at the island counter. "Coffee?" He asks.

"Please, dunno how it will fare with wine though".

He smiles gently and begins to make it. "How was your flight? You said Scott helped you out?"

"Yeah. You don't mind do you?" I ask cautiously.

"Course not? I've been making some calls, my manager wants to have a meeting with you when you're up to it - I did tell him that it was probably best to have some down time, although I doubt Lucy and Amy would make it that if you're about to hit them with your resignation" he chuckles lightly.

I frown. "Nick?" Surely his management wouldn't wanna take me on. I'm barely star status despite the stuff I've been in.

Chris nods. "He's interested in managing you, but he'll go through everything".

"Will you be there?" I ask nervously.

He nods, "if you want me to be - he's not scary, I promise. We can sort out your agent and publicist, which brings me to the next point".

Oh no.

"Megan wants to speak to you".



"I'll let her explain that one, but don't panic - it's all good news". He now sets the coffee down in front of me and leans forward casually against the counter where he's across from me. "Ev...it's gonna be ok, I promise we're not gonna let anyone fuck this up for us". His hand slides across the counter and takes mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Just us".

"Just us".

It's what we've always promised.

"So when are you gonna fire tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber?"

It means switching on my phone and I groan as I now pull it from my pocket and slide it towards him. "Turn it on and let me know how many bloody messages and missed calls I have?"

He looks a little perplexed for a moment. "Side button, geez we really need to say goodbye to your iPhone six". I say.

"I like the home button ok?" He shakes his head as he looks at the screen, "I'm a tech dinosaur remember".

"You're only 40! For fuck sake!"

"Exactly". He glances up from the screen and grins at me and then back down. "Shit, how many times do these two wanna call and message you?"

I wince. "A lot?"

"Yeah, a hell of a lot!" He now deletes the messages and passes the phone back. "Doing it sooner rather than later might help ya sleep at night".

As if on cue, Lucy's name flashes up.

I look panicked at Chris who nods. "You know what you've gotta do Evs"

I wait a moment or two and then accept. "Hello?"

"Where the fuck have you been?! Amy told me what the fuck happened, then she goes to your house to find you not there for tomorrows photoshoot and..."

"I'm not working for people who only see me as a 'brand'" I bite back. "And I've left LA to have some time off".

"Ever, you can't just take some time off! We have a fucking schedule to stick with!"

"No, you do, I just turn up and do my job. But if you hadn't guessed? You guys are fired".

"Wait, what?!" She all but screams down the phone. "Ever! Tell me you are fucking joking here! You can't just walk away from your management! We've got you to where you are! We have things lined up! You do this and no one will take you on! You're not big enough yet to be considered 'Hollywood'".

I swallow, "there are people who want me, I've already spoken to a couple" I lie, and see Chris smile and nod out of the corner of my eye.

"All sleazy I bet - you're fucking your career up before it's already begun. You almost did with Chris and..."

"Don't bring Chris into this". I snap back. "He has nothing to do with it".

Lucy's voice is raised now. "He has everything to do with it! You've fucked it for yourself by going back to him Ever! I wouldn't be surprised if I read that he's done what you guys did to Jenny within less than a year! I suppose your career was heading for rock bottom from the moment you met him! I tried to keep you on track and you didn't listen! So if you can't get anymore work? Well that's on you!"

I'm silent for a moment and then calmly speak once more. "Ok Lucy, but I just have one more thing to say - you can take your management and shove it up your fat arse, We're done, my new management will be in contact if they need anything, but thanks for giving me that push in the right direction - you're gonna be the one who ends up regretting it".

I end the call, blocking her number and Amy's.

Chris is looking proudly at me. "Well done Evermore" he comes over and kisses me gently.

I'm shaking but he keeps me tight in his embrace until I'm calm. He knows how to make everything right.
It's his turn for his phone to ring a short while later and he goes to answer it before coming back in. "Ev, it's Megan..."

He switches the call to speaker phone and I take a breath, wondering why she wants to talk to me. We've said all that we need to already.

"Ever, it's Megan, have you got five minutes?".


"Chris told me about what happened". My eyes flicker to him and then back to the phone. "I want to help make things right..."

Aftertaste - A Chris Evans StoryWhere stories live. Discover now