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"Goooooood morning Ever after" Chris all but makes me jump as I come into hair and make up. He's getting his hair done and has his phone out, listening to some music. He's the only one here at the moment but it's 6am so no doubt we'll have others join us as they arrive.

"That my new nickname now?" I ask and sit down on one of the chairs while the hair and make up girls get started.

He shrugs, "what do you prefer?"

I'm half tempted to shoot back with 'whatever you want' but think it's best not to, otherwise I'll probably end up with something awful.

I clasp my coffee cup with both hands and yawn, "Ever after it is then".

He chuckles, "sleep well?"

We're on our third day of shooting but this is the first time we've actually been on set together. It's a scene with the whole family. It could take anything up to a full day to get right or even just a couple of hours

"Barely but once I get this down my throat I'll feel more alive".

"I could've made such a dirty comeback then". He smirks and sips his own coffee

"Because you're all for those aren't you Evans?" I counter the joke as I throw him a knowing look.

We both laugh, "okay touché Wynter, touché".

"Are you two gonna be the troublemakers?" Sarah, our hair stylist, sighs with a grin while running some gel through Chris's hair.

I smirk into my coffee, "I think we've already established just who is the bad influence here" And close my eyes so I can have some foundation put on.

"Coming from the one who implied an innuendo earlier". Chris fires back in good nature.

I laugh lightly, "yeah, I think we might be trouble, but you've gotta get in character so it's good practice".

Chris turns in his chair as Sarah finishes up. "I brought Dodger to set if you wanna say hi later?"

"Ah yes, I have to meet the infamous Dodger". I grin as he leans over and shows me a picture of him. "He's so cute!" I exclaim "Where's he now?"

"In my trailer living his best life with toys and treats". He laughs.

I make a face, "That sounds like the best life, toys and and treats".

"Keep it clean Wynter". He gives me a look which tells me he's thinking of certain items that go with what we're talking about.

"I'm clearly not the one with the one track mind"

He snorts as Sarah tells him he's done and gets up, taking his coffee with him. "Cya on set".

I watch him go and shake my head to myself, letting hair and make up down their work before I go and get changed in wardrobe.


"Ok, we'll finish up there for today - thanks everyone, see you guys bright and early tomorrow morning" Rian calls it a day later on and we head back to our trailers to get out of our clothes and to get comfy. I've already got into my comfy clothes when there's a knock at my trailer door.

I open it to see Chris there complete with Dodger.

"Well, well - visitors". I grin and couch down as Dodger tugs on his lead, trying to climb the trailer steps. "Hello handsome". Dodger licks my hand and begins to sniff, try trying to jump up.

"Ok bubba, down from Wynter, she doesn't want you slobbering all over her." Chris pulls him back slightly

I ruffle his fur, "Oh you can come slobber over me anytime" and then I look up at Chris. "You heading off?"

He nods. "Yep, cars here so I can't be long". The his phone rings and he looks at it. "Sorry, gotta take this - cya nice and early"

I groan, "Ergh, don't - 4am wake up calls are the worst".

"Do you need some toys and treats to get you through?" He asks with a certain look, then quickly curses and answers his phone. "Hey gorgeous, can I call you back in a sec? Just gotta get into the car and sort Dodge out...ok...yep, talk in a mo - love you".

It's only come to my mind now that he has a girlfriend. I've seen pictures of him with her, Jenny, I think her name is? I don't wanna ask. "I should let you go". I smile and pat Dodger's head. "It was nice meeting you beautiful boy, you coming back tomorrow?"

"Sure is, aren't you buddy?" Chris says to Dodger and then checks his phone. "I'll see you tomorrow Ever, have a good evening".

I nod. "Yeah...yeah, you too - sorry if I interrupted your call".

He brushes this off. "It's ok, just Jen - I usually have to call her back anyway"

"Yeah...yeah girlfriend right? Will she be coming to visit while you're filming?" I now ask, wondering whether I'll meet her.

Chris shakes his head. "Nah, she's busy with another project so I'll see her when she's back".

"Oh...that's a shame, will she be away for long?"

"Probably will get back just after I do".

Time to end this here. "Right, well I'll see you two in the morning". I smile and we say our goodbyes watch as he heads to the waiting car with Dodger trotting by his side. I see Chris look back from behind his sunglasses.

I feel a tug in my chest and shake it from me.

I need a drink...

Aftertaste - A Chris Evans StoryWhere stories live. Discover now