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To say that I haven't stopped since the beginning of the year is an understatement. Then again neither has Chris.  We've both been away filming, and at one point it was like ships passing in the night, although the last few months I've been at home more than he has. 

He's been away finishing up filming for Ghosted with Ana (Scarlett had filming clashes so she had to bow out much to her a Chris's disappointment), promoting Lightyear and now we finally have The Grey Man to promote together. It's going to be a lot of travelling but we're pretty much set. Dodger will be staying with Lisa so we know he's in good hands. 

The world premiere is being held in LA, and currently we're in a hotel suite getting ready. It's tonight that we have finally decided to go public with our relationship and I'm already nervous. 

I take a look at myself in the mirror and feel a little on edge. 

We don't have to do this, but it makes sense to. Megan is already on the case so that when it is made clear, then we'll have no questions being asked about it during the long days of back to back interviews. I hate those kind as they stick you in a room for hours, listening to the same kind of questions and by the end you're exhausted and don't even know what you're saying or answering. 

"You look amazing Evermore" Chris grins as he comes up behind me and buries his face into my neck. 

"Do I really?" I ask. 

He looks incredible as always. His stylist has been on point in dressing him when promoting Lightyear and now his attire for this is just...well, let's just say it makes me wanna put my hair in a ponytail. 

 "Would I lie to you about that?" He pulls me into him and kisses me gently. "You ok? You look nervous". 

"Aren't you?" 

"You know me, always nervous with shit like this". He says and then reaches for his drink. "It'll be ok, we've got this - Megan's gonna have everything under control - sure there's gonna be a tidal wave of media about it, but we both know that - it could be worse". 

Yeah, it could be worse in the sense that our affair could've come out during the Knives Out premieres. This? It's gonna be fine. It's just me overthinking as normal, and as it's been building up to this moment, I've been doing more of that lately. 

"Car's here". Megan says as she comes in. "We all ready to go smash this?" 

"As always". Chris smirks and guides me out of the room, security joining us while we head down to the car that is waiting at the exit at the back. At least then any photographers lurking won't snap pictures of us before. 

Chris sees me shaking a little and takes my hand, placing a kiss on my knuckles. "Keep it together Evermore, it's gonna be ok". 

"I know..." I nod. 

"Can't have you stressing" Megan says, "I've got everything prepped, any interview from now won't be asking the personal stuff, it's your privacy after all". 

I have to put it to Megan, she does know how to do her job. 

The car rounds the corner and I can already hear the fans and people calling from outside, wondering who is going to get out next. 

Megan gets out and rounds the back of the car with security as Chris goes first, the screams of fans and calls from journalists sounding. He turns and holds out his hand for me to take. I step out and everyone goes a little mad. 

It's all a bit overwhelming but now Chris keeps a firm hold of my hand as Megan leads us to let some photographers snap away. "See? Everyone's pretty surprised". He leans in and then kisses my head as the photographers begin to call our names. 

"I don't think surprised even cuts this" I grin and look down at the bump that's now obvious to all, concealed under my dress. 

The media are going to have a field day, but we can't exactly hide this any longer. It would've been odd for me not to turn up at a premiere for a film I'm in, only then to suddenly pop back up on everyone's radar with a baby.

Megan would've had her work cut out for her with that one. Even more questions would've been asked. 

This way is better. 

And Chris and I can't wait. 

This wasn't something that we had planned, in fact we never really have had a full proof plan other than keeping our relationship private. So when I all but showed him the test he almost fainted. 

He's so excited though and is always checking to make sure I'm ok, not doing anything too strenuous. He's been involved every step of the way with every decision. 

And his face when we finally had our first scan? 

He was taken just as speechless as I was. 

I know this baby is going to be so loved, not just by us but by the whole family who have already spoilt he/she silly with clothes, essentials and whatnot. It's amazing just how much stuff you need for one tiny person, and they're not even here yet...

We keep on taking pictures, before Megan moves us along so we can talk to journalists, already on the case that personal questions are off the table. 

"Look at you!" Ryan says and hugs me, now looking a little stumped like everyone else at my bump as we join him, Ana and Rege for group pictures. "Wow! Where'd that come from?" 

"This guy" I smirk and point behind me where Chris is still keeping a protective hand on my back. 

"Congratulations buddy" Ryan grins as he and Chris exchange a manly hug. "How long left?" 

"About four more months?" Chris looks to me for confirmation and I nod. 

Ryan laughs. "Not long enough." He's got two children so if anyone knows about what's to come then it's him. 

I see him chatting privately to Chris while Ana comes over and congratulates me. I wonder whether he is giving dad tips already. I'll take any parenting ones I can get because I know that once we get around the time of arrival, we're going to both be a bundle of nerves. 

"We all done?" Megan asks after we have the group pictures done and leads the way into the theatre where I feel as though I can finally breathe again. She passes me a bottle of water. "Drink this, you guys did great. Now there's gonna be a lot of attention for the next few weeks - they're gonna want to be getting pictures and whatnot which for the films promotion is fine, but anything else is a no go. Will you guys be putting out any kind of statement?" 

"Probably one that just asks for privacy, perhaps on Instagram". Chris looks to me and I agree. 

"Best to do it from your account, you have more followers". I smirk. 

Megan chuckles. "Let me know when you do it and I'll be sure to keep an extra eye on the media". 

Chris keeps his arm around my waist. "You all good Evermore? Do you need to sit down for a moment before we go in there?" 

I shake my head. "I'm fine". 

As long as I have him beside me? Nothing else matters. 

Aftertaste - A Chris Evans StoryWhere stories live. Discover now