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(Amanda's POV*)

I walked into the doug-out at the end of the game and saw Ava putting all her softball gear away. Her hair was brown, and she was about 5' 4".

She turned around and faced me. She had beautiful big brown eyes, and was drinking water. She put the water down.

"Hello. My name's Ava." She said extending her arm. I shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Amanda. You are a great player. The best out there!"

"Thanks! So why are you here? At the game I mean."

"Oh, I might adopted a kid."

"Oh, cool." She smiled.

"Yea, well I was wondering if you would like to come to lunch with me and my friends?"

"Ummm, okay, yeah!" She blushed a little happily.

"Okay, great. come on." She picked up her bag and followed me. When she walked out of the doug-out and walked to the bleachers, when the person batting hit a foul and it was going to land on the top of her head when Fin caught it first.

She flinched. "Close call." He said.

"yeah. thanks." she replied gratefully.

"No problem. My names Fin." He said as they shook hands.

"Hi I am Ava." She shook everybody's hand and they introduced themselves.

"You were great." Carisi said.


"Nice slide too." Nick said.

"Thanks." She replied.

"Anytime, it's the truth." Nick replied.

"So where do you want to go and eat?" I asked.

"I don't care." she replied.

"How about uncle tony's." Carisi said.

"Okay, let's go!" I said. Nick, Ava and I hopped in one car and the rest in the other.

When we arrived, we walked into the restaurant and sat at a large, curved, booth so that we could all fit in it. We all ordered and talked.

"So Ava, when did you start playing softball?" Carisi asked.

"My mother signed me up when I was 5 and I have been playing ever since. I also play basketball."

"cool." I replied. "If you don't mind me asking, when did you get put into the adoption center."

"When I was 6. My parents were in a car accident and they were killed.

"I am so sorry. Would you like to live with me?" I asked out of no where.

"Umm.. well I have wanted to be adopted. But only if you want."

"I'm sure I want you to live with me. You are perfect."

"Okay cool."

"But, I want you to know that... I am a cop. We all are. We deal with sex crimes. It can get scary, but at the end of the day, I will be home."


Our food arrived at we all ate. At the end, I brought Ava back so that she could get her stuff and I could sign her out. I did, and we went back to my house. She slept in my guest room and I slept in my room. She was my perfect little angel.

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