Maybe she is different

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(Ava's POV*)

I wake up the next morning and put on jeans and a t-shirt. Amanda gets up and brings me to school. She bought me a backpack yesterday so I have all my supplies.

I walk into school and the principle shows me to my locker. I put all my stuff in it and he shows me to my home room. I walk in and sit at a desk.

"Hi, I'm Lucy." A girl introduces herself.

"I'm Ava, nice to meet you." I reply.

"So why are you here in the middle of the year?" She asks. She seems nice so I tell her the truth.

"Well, my parents died when I was six. So somebody just adopted me and I just moved here."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Well you should sit with me at lunch." She said. I did so, and I had a great day.

I then went to math, my teacher's name is Mr. Michaels. He kept talking to me and asking me questions. I didn't like it, but I didn't want to have a bad reputation, so I answered them.

I took the bus home and unlocked the house with the key Amanda gave me. I walk in to see Olivia sitting on the couch.

"Hey, how was school?" She asked.

"Good. I made a friend. Her name is Lucy." I replied.

"Cool." There is dinner in the fridge. I eat dinner and go to bed.

I wake up the next morning and Amanda brings me to school again.

I walk into homeroom and everyone started to point and laugh at me.

"What?" I asked.

"What? Did your parents kill themselves because of you?" Lucy asked.


"Don't play stupid. Nobody likes new kids. Especially the stupid ones." I felt tears in my eyes and sat down. They continued to be mean until math class when someone said something and Mr. michaels got mad.

"Shut up! Next person I hear say that gets 8 nights of detention." He yelled placing his hand on my back. I think he is nice. But he scares me.

I went home that night and Munch was on the couch waiting for me.

"How was school?" He asked.

"Ummm." I paused trying to think of something to say. "Good." I lied. We watched TV the rest of the night until Amanda got home. Munch left and I went to bed. The next morning was the same. Amanda brought me to school, and everybody continued to me mean.

I went to Mr. Michaels class room, and sat at my desk. He was telling everybody how they can't be mean to me when the Fire Alarm went off.

"It is just a fire drill. Everybody exit quietly." He said as he grabbed my shoulder. "wait. I am going to show you how to get out incase of a real fire." He waited for everybody to be out of the school.

He started to walk towards me when I become scared. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"You will see." He said in a low raspy voice. He pushed me up against the wall.

"Get off of me!" I screamed but then realized that no one cam hear me over the fire alarm. He put paper towel with chloroform on it over my mouth causing me to fall asleep. He dragged my body into his car outside when everything went black.

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