Didn't Know

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(Ava's POV*)

One second i was trying to stay awake at Nick's desk, then i was asleep, and then i was being tossed around like a rag-doll in the back of a van. 

Eyes wide, i look over to Carisi, as i pull my knees into my chest. He is taking multiple blows to the stomach and he is coughing. 

"Leave him alone!" I try scream but it comes out as a whisper. 

"What?" The man who is beating on him slowly turns around and faces me. 


I know him.

I start to shake. Carisi quickly sits up and looks at me with horror written all over his face. 

Its my uncle. 

He starts to walk towards me, and Carisi starts to yell.

"Hey, leave him alone!" I hear somebody yell from the front seat. The voice is familiar, but not too familiar where i know who it is...

It is a bumpy, very long ride to where we are going. When we arrived my uncle threw me over his shoulder, and i didn't even fight because im so scared. They make Carisi walk but shove him a lot. 

When we are inside they tie us up, and then I get a glimpse at the other man, it is my father. Tears start to come pouring down my face. My father is tying Carisi up, and when he sees my uncle tying me up, he flips.

"Why the hell are you tying her up?" He screams and runs over to me. "hey, hey. You don't need to be scared anymore. Daddy's here." He says as he wipes my tears and unties me. He wraps me in his arms, but i don't hug back. Carisi tries to pull from the bonds, but he can't.

"I wasn't scared before you took us." I cry and pull away.

"What do you  mean?" He asks confused.

"I'm scared because you took us." 

"But i'm here to protect you from that scumbag over there." He says pointing to Carisi.

"What? He has done nothing but keep me safe." I sob.

"What? That guy over there, he is your uncle, and he told me that that man raped you." He has a loo of sympathy in his eyes.

I start to panic. I shake my head and sob. "No-no. My U-uncle, he r-raped me." I cry.

My father freezes. He starts to shake his head no. I nod. He quickly brings me into a hug. "I am so sorry Ava. I wish me and you mother never gave you up. It was so stupid of us and we love you. "

"why did you give me up?" i ask after about 30 seconds.

"Ava, we didn't want to. But I had just gotten out of jail and i wasn't fit for a kid yet." He sighs. Then my uncle comes over.

"What are you two talking 'bout?" He asks. My father stands up and makes eye contact with him. 

"You lied." My father says as he goes to punch my uncle but right before he does my uncle stabs him in the stomach. 

"NO!" I scream.

"Now tell you what..." My uncle says smiling. "You can save one."

"What do you mean?" I ask wiping tears off my face. 

"Carisi, or your Dad?" He asks me as he shoves a knife through Carisi's stomach.

"No!" I scream and sob. Save one. I start to hyperventilate. My dad just admitted to me that he didn't know anything and he loved me. But Carisi was more of a dad than my real one. I quickly made up my mind and ran to Carisi. I started to apply pressure to Carisi's wound. My uncle chuckles and walks over to my dad. 

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