Figuring Things Out

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(Ava's POV*)

After about 5 minutes of just sitting there, hugging Carisi, i slowly got out of the bed and looked at him. His eyes were bloodshot and he just stared at me.

"Get some rest. Im going to go out there for a little but if you need anything just let me know."  i said. He nodded and i left. Then Fin came running up to me and wrapped his arms around me. 

"Are you okay?" He said looking frantic as the rest of the squad ran in. I nodded as everyone else ran up to me or ran in Carisi's room. It feels good that they are all here. 

"Listen, we need to take your statement but if you don't want to right now, we can wait." He says sympathetically.  

"Let's get it over with."

"Okay, let's go." Fin says. I hop in his car with him and less then 10 minutes we are at the precinct. But not our precinct. Chicago's precinct. 

He takes me up stairs and we see everyone in the police department. Then Adam Ruzek and Antonio take me to a small room with a 1 way window that i know fin is standing outside of. I sit down and wait for them to start pounding me with questions. But they both sit down and look sad.

"Can you just explain to us everything. From the very beginning?" I nod and start.

"So i must had fallen asleep at the precinct-" and they cut me off.

"No, from the very beginning. Like the first time." My eyes start to water not wanting to talk about it.

"But you guys know what happened." I stated.

"Yes but we need to hear everything." They can tell i look scared and upset so they dont say anything else. 

"He was my teacher. One day during a fire drill he knocked me out and took me home and raped me. He ended up being my teacher... He got me pregnant. I shot myself. I killed the baby. Im a killer. Im just as bad as he is. Then he found us again. He told my biological dad that Carisi had been raping me and when i told him the truth my uncle told me to pick either Carisi or my dad to save. I pick Carisi but he ended up stabbing the both of them. Then i killed him. Im just as bad as he is. I deserve to be dead." I state with no emotion. 

Adam gets up and wraps his arms around body, but instead of crying, i just laugh. He pulls me out of the hug and stares at me like im crazy... and i know i am.

"You okay?" He says cracking a smile.

"Never better." I laugh. Even though i know what im going to do tonight.

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