Not Caught

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(Nick's POV*)

I run trying to keep up with the doctors and nurses. One doctor is keeling on the gurney with Ava, trying to stop the bleeding. They opened and slammed the doors to the operation room in my face. Two doctors came walking up to me.

"Sir, I am sorry but you can not go any farther."

"Okay." I reply as I go to he waiting room where the whole squad is sitting.

"What happened?" Rollins said jumping up when she noticed me.

"She is in surgery." I whispered sitting down. "Did you guys catch him?" I asked knowing the answer.

"No, he got away." Carisi said not making eye contact.

"How could you let him get away?" I whispered looking down pissed off.

"What?" He asked making eye contact.

"HOW THE HELL COULD YOU LET HIM GO AFTER WHAT HE DID TO HER?!?!?!" I stood  up and screamed. He stood up and got in my face too.

"YOU THINK I WANTED TO LET HIM GO?!?! I LOST HIM!" He screamed in my face. Fin and Amanda jumped in between us and split us apart. Amanda pulled me into the other room.

"What the hell are you doing in there?" She asked me.

"You aren't md he lost him?" I asked.

"I am pissed. But it isn't his fault. I understand that you love Ava, but we all do. Now when she wakes up, she will want answers and she will most definitely want her family. So we all need to be there. Okay?" she asked.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Okay, good. Now when CSU searched the house, and they found this." She said as she showed me a picture of Ava's teacher, a women, a man, and a baby.

"Who is this?" I ask.

"Ava's parents are not dead. They just had another kid. John Michaels is her uncle." She said

"That bitch." I looked down.

"I know. Now come on. Let's go." She said as we walked into the waiting room again. I sat down and started to think about Ava. What her parents missed out on. And why they gave her up, when the doctor came out.

"She is out of surgery, you can go in her room, but she is not awake yet." The doctor said. Amanda, the squad and I walked into her room to see her little bod laying in the bed. She has a tube helping her breathe and needles in her arms. She is so bruised and looks in pain. It makes me want to cry.

She looks so peaceful and it puts me in pain to know what this man did to her. "Did he rape her?" I asked the doctor.

"Twice." he replied. I closed my eyes. A tear escaped. I walked over to Ava and sat next to her. I picked up her hand and held it in mine. Her hand was so small and bruised. "You might want to see this." He continued.

He walked over to the bed and rolled the blanket down. He then rolled up Ava's shirt and exposed the words on her skin.

"Oh My God." I said. We do love her. Now she has to live with this forever.

"When we find this bitch, I am going to kill him." I mumbled and it is the truth.

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