Not knowing

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(Amanda's POV*)

When we arrive at the precinct, we walk in and Ava and I sit at the desk. Carisi was putting up pictures on the white board.

"What happened?" He asked Ava about her wrist still looking at the board.

"I, um.." She looked at me as if she didn't know what to say.

"She dropped a glass cup." I helped her out with words. I nodded and gave me a half-assed smile. I nodded back and smiled.

"Oh, did you need stitches?" Carisi asked.

"No." Ava replied.

"Good, good." He whispered. "So, Natalie Michelle was brutally raped and murdered 3 hours ago. The last known place she was seen was a maintenance store about a block away from her house."

"Okay, lets go there then." Nick said. Then there was a women who came running through the door screaming in a different language.

(Ava's POV*)

(All the talking between The women and Ava is in French, but I am going to write it in English)

"Help! Help! I can't find my daughter!" She screamed in French. Nick and Carisi ran to her and tried to calm her down, but it was clear they do not know how to speak French.

"Ma'am, what is wrong?" I asked her because I am 50% French and know how to speak it.

"My daughter, I can't find her anywhere!" She yelled crying.

"Okay, calm down and follow me." I said as Carisi told me to bring her to the interrogation room.

I did so and told her that I would be right back.


"Where did you learn to speak French?" Carisi asked playfully punching my shoulder.

"My parents spoke it sometimes and I used the app for awhile." I laughed. "What me to talk to her?"

"Sure." Nick said. "Come on."

We both walk into the room.


"Ma'am, what is your name?" I asked her.

"Adele." She said shaking.

"Well Adele, can you tell me why you are here?"

"My daughter, I can't find her."

"Have you called her?" I asked.

"I am not stupid, of course I did."

"Just a question. How old is she."


"When was the last time you saw her?" I asked.

"4 hours ago."

"Ma'am, She is probably just at the store or something, she is legally an adult."

"Don't talk to me like that!" She screamed as she pulled out a gun and pointed it at me and then Nick who was reaching for his back and forth.


"Put your gun down." Nick said with his hands up.

"Not until you tell her that my husband is innocent." she said in English.

"Wait I thought your daughter was missing." I asked.

"I lied!" She yelled

"And now you can speak English?" Nick asked smirking and mockingly.

"Shut Up!!!" She screamed as she pulled the trigger. I felt a sharp pain go straight through my chest dead center, and then nick pulled his gun and shot her in the head.

I looked at her limp body on the ground as I fell to the ground. Carisi and the rest of the squad heard the shots and came running in.

Nick got on his knees and put his hands on my chest trying to stop the bleeding. I couldn't take my eyes off of her dead body until Carisi stepped in front of her and felt for a pulse. She was dead. Is dead.

Then he came over to me and held my hand. "Stay with me Ava." He kept repeating holding back tears.

Then my eyes slowly shut and he started to yell to stay with him and I am a fighter. I can hear sirens, and then everything goes black.

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