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hey babies, so i'm going to start a new story soon, but i am going to have everyone help me with ideas and stuff. i am also going to need feedback. so please if you read this and have instagram, follow my personal account, @briellepuleo is the username. i am going to be doing polls on there and need as many people i can get to help. so thank you for reading, i know i haven't been the best with writing lately but i am going to start again. love & miss you all ♡

(a few facts about me if you want to get to know me because i need some friends lol)
- i just turned 16 on july 27, 2018
- i have been dating my boyfriend for a little over a year (his name is camron & 2 yrs older than me)
- my dad has been really sick, i don't really have time for writing anymore but i'm going to make time lol.
- i clearly love Law and Order SVU, Supernatural, TVD, TWD, Chicago PD, Chicago Med, Chicago Fire, Castle, Criminal Minds, and many more TV shows.
- i always love making new friends so don't be scared to message me on instagram or on here!! ♡

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