Stop Messing With Me

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~ Imogen's POV ~

We arrived at a beautiful campsite near a lake around three pm. I was really tired from the car ride, mainly because me and Freddy were talking to ourselves the whole time.

We all jumped out of the car and grabbed the tents out of the trailer. Freddy and the boys started setting up all of the tents, while Charlie, Abby and Cody went looking for firewood. Not that we'd be able to start a fire, but I think they just wanted to go and do something.

I went with Kaley and Monica to go and get Abby's presents out of the backseat and hide them in her tent. No one was allowed in their tent until tonight, because apparently there was a 'surprise' in there from Charlie. I was a bit scared.

2 hours after we had set up, we all decided to go swimming so that Cody and Charlie could set up their 'surprise'. I knew that he had to be in on it too, they were always together these days.

I watched as Kaley jumped into the water, clothes and all, surfacing and spraying a laughing Gordon with cold water. I stripped down into my bathers and jumped in, everybody else following my lead.

An amazingly cute and shirtless Freddy swam up to me. "Babe!" he whined.

"What?" I asked.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked, stretching out the you.

"Okay." I said, leaning in and kissing him. I heard somebody yell 'EW!' and turned around to see Judd covering Monica's eyes. I laughed and swam back to my friends.


~ Charlie's POV ~

Cody and I finished setting up the tents a little bit later. We hung up all of Lacey's decorations (most of which were bright pink) and spread lollies and chocolates everywhere.

Cody and I walked down to the lake where the others were swimming. I smiled at the sight of Gordon nuzzling his head into Kaley's neck. It seemed like everybody was getting together with somebody else; except me.

"Oi Charlie!" Barley called. "Are you gonna hop in or what?"

"No thanks, I think I'm good." I smiled. Barley smirked and jumped out of the water, running over to me dripping wet. He picked me up and chucked me over his shoulder. I screamed as he jumped back into the water with me still on his back. I surfaced and screamed again, splashing water in his face.

He smiled again and splashed more back at me, which turned into a full on water fight. I laughed when some of the water hit Abby, who was talking to Max behind Barley. She looked at me and scowled. I smiled sweetly.

Barley swam over to me and picked me up bridal style, throwing me deeper into the lake. I surfaced again and started coughing amidst my laughing fit.

I looked back up to the shore to see Cody still standing there. I smiled at him, but he didn't smile back. Instead, he turned and walked back to the campsite. I frowned.

"Come on guys," said Harper. "It's getting dark. We should probably be getting back before it gets too cold."

We all went back to the campsite and got changed into some drier clothes. Max tried to start the campfire, but failed, almost burning himself. Judd shook his head and did it himself.

I looked around and saw Cody sitting by himself. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. I opened my mouth to say "Hey," but no sooner as I had sat down he stood up and walked to the other side. I frowned again and wondered what was wrong.

Abby came and sat next to me and soon enough there was a campfire blazing in the centre.

"Okay, who wants to play truth or dare?" Imogen asked. Everybody, including me, groaned.

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