Late again, Mr Rental?

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~ Judd's POV ~

School. Ew. The weekend was so fun I almost forgot that I had to come back and study for some stupid exam or something. Honestly, I couldn't give a shit. But this was my last year. Only one year left. I couldn't give up now.

I slinked into my homeroom class ten minutes late, slipping into the discarded seat up the back, hoping no one would notice me. Luckily, they didn't. If they had I would be in huge trouble for being late.

It's not my fault though. Monica and I were talking and walking through the park down the road from school. And we, kinda lost track of time. By the time we had bolted to school and parted ways we were ten minutes late. See, not completely my fault.

The bell rang and I started heading to my first class, before my homeroom teacher, Mr Loftman, pulled me over. I cringed before turning around, already knowing what was coming.

"Mr Rental, you do know that I have to send you to the principles office now, right?" he asked. I sighed. "Come on Sir," I tried. "It was only ten minutes! Can't you let me off with a severe warning and an unapproving shake of your head?"

Mr Loftman shook his head slowly. "Sorry Judd, but this isn't your first time arriving late. Principals office, now before I have to tell you a third time."

"Yes sir." I mumbled, turning on my heel and heading in the direction of the principals office. I sat down on a skinny, blue plastic chair, the cool of the seat sinking slowly into my skin. I pulled my phone out and pressed an earbud into my right ear, tapping my foot to the beat of a Green Day song. I closed my eyes and rested my head on the wall behind the chair.

I heard somebody sit down to my left and clear their throat. 'Oh no,' I thought. 'Not the principal. Not yet.'

I looked to my left and gave a small laugh. Then a bigger laugh. I was in stitches laughing. And Monica was laughing with me.

Once we had settled down a bit, Monica wiped a stray piece of hair from her eyes and looked at me again. "Late again Mr. Rental?" she asked in a firm tone. "Why indeed. And you, Ms Hiff?" She smirked. "Aah well you know, I was caught smoking out the back of the school with my delinquent friends." Monica kept a stern face, using her posh accent and small hand gestures.

We looked at each other for a bit before cracking up laughing all over again.


"Detention," I said, as Monica and I walked to our classes after being spoken to by the principal. "Same," she sighed. "Ugh I don't wanna go to English!" she groaned. I locked my fingers with hers and steered her towards the locker room. "Well you don't have to." She grinned cheekily at me. "Does this mean that you're inviting me to skip class?" she asked.

"No," I said. "I'm inviting you to skip school. Just for today." Monica grinned at me again. "Where would we go?" "Wherever you want." I smirked.

"Wanna go to my place and play video games?" she asked. I narrowed one eye. "Only if you let me win." I teased. She smirked. "Never." she grabbed her phone and her purse out of her locker. "Let's go." she said. I followed her out of the locker room and then out of the school.


~ Harper's POV ~

"Where is everybody?" Tara asked as she and Abby slipped under the stairs. I sat next to Charlie as we exchanged food. Cody was lying on his side on the floor with his legs pulled up to his chest, yawning (because apparently somebody stayed up too late to watch the Spongebob marathon). Imogen was watching Freddy, Brad and Max at football. Kaley was leaning against the wall reading. And Barley was taking a test he missed.

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