We locked her in the Bathroom

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~ Abby's POV ~

I woke up as someone jumped on me.

"SHIT!" I screamed as a laughing Monica hopped off and laughed evilly. "MONNY NOT FUNNY!"

"Did you just call me Monny?" she asked, looking at me maniacally.

'Oh no...' I thought.

I stood up slowly. The one thing you should know with Monica, same with a timid horse, is that she reacts with fast or loud movements.

I crept slowly towards Charlie's kitchen, stepping over a cuddling Charlie and Cody. 'Nawww!' I thought, before I tripped over Kaley's leg that she had stupidly stuck out while brushing her hair and fell to the floor. I ended up in Kaley's lap.

Monica attacked us. Well, she attacked Kaley. My reflexes are sharp after ten years with Charlie. She's like an over active puppy. I quickly rolled to the side as Kaley screamed and I bolted to the toilet. I locked the door and sat down on the toilet lid.

'Oh no...' I thought again. Monica never held back when it came to revenge.


~ Charlie's POV ~

I was startled awake when I heard a scream. I sat up quickly and rubbed my eyes. I saw Abby disappearing down the hall and a dead Kaley being squashed by a Monica.

Monica rolled off and onto the sleeping bag next to a drowsy Imogen. Imogen groaned and gave her a cuddle. Imica is so beautiful! (a/n: that is their ship name!!! sorry guys I had to)

I laughed and looked around. Other than Kaley walking outside, Imogen and Monica cuddling, Abby disappearing down the hall and Cody lying next to me, there was no one else in the room. I checked my watch, and it read 6:30 am. Wow. I'd only been asleep for two hours.

Monica stood up and turned to me. Oh no, what had Abby done? Monica looked like someone had just stolen all of her stuff and put nude pictures of her on the internet. Then again, she's Monica. Anything bugs her.

"What'd she do?" I asked, already standing up.

"She. Called. Me. MONNY!" Monica screamed. Imogen and Cody groaned in sync.

That was stepping over the line with Monica. No one, EVER, called her Monny. I wonder what Abby wanted on her headstone?

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"That's where you come in, my faithful assistant!" she said, grinning evilly.

"Why do I have to be the assistant?" I asked annoyed.

"Well, a) you're standing up. And b) your the only one awake that's in here and saw her commit the crime."

"Cody's awake!" I said, kicking him lightly in the shin.

"Noewimnosht." he mumbled, rolling onto his side, almost slipping off the side of the double mattress we had been sharing.

"Well," I said, desperate to get out of this. I don't wanna I to jail! "Immy's awake!"

At that exact moment, Imogen gave a loud snore and snorted. Of course she's asleep.

"Okay!" I gave up. "What's the plan? Where is she?"

"I'm pretty sure she went to the bathroom. And you're the sidekick, you have to come up with the ideas!"

I groaned. Then I had an idea. "Wait here!" I said, running upstairs to my room. Being the responsible (and underage) teenagers that we were, we didn't drink a single drop of alcohol. Meaning that the house wasn't trashed from our drunken acts of stupidity. Only the lounge room.

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