Great Cover Story

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~ Max's POV ~

Assembly days were always the worst days at school. You had to sit around and listen to boring people talk about boring stuff that has happened or is going to happen in their boring lives. It's boring really. I mean, I can't even sit with Abby. Because she's in Grade 11 and I'm in Grade 12 they make us sit separately.

I looked through the crowd now to try and find her. Her blonde hair was situated a few rows in front of me, talking to the brunette who I knew as Charlie beside her. The two of them were always together, talking or whispering about things. Sometimes I almost felt like the third wheel.

The principal stood up at the podium just as the last few people slipped into their seats. Judd came up behind me and slid into his seat beside me. "Hey," he mumbled. "Hi," I said. "How come you're so late?" I asked quieter, as the principal started addressing the assembly.

"Me and Mon were at the shops." he said, as this would explain everything. Judd seemed to always be hanging out with her lately. It was quite strange, usually, he kept a girl for a week, but that was it. He even had a nickname for her now. Mon.

"How long have you two been a thing?" I asked sarcastically, expecting a snide remark as an answer. I was surprised when he answered me with a normal statement. "Since yesterday," he said nonchalantly. My mouth dropped open. Wow. I wasn't expecting that.

I started singing that stupid song by Jamie Lawson in my head. I groaned. Judd looked at me. "Jeez I didn't think you'd take it this hard!" he frowned. I sighed. "No I just have a shitty song stuck in my head." I explained. "Sing some Green Day that always helps." he mumbled. I started humming the tune to American Idiot (which is BY FAR their catchiest song, in my opinion) and instantly smiled. Yay, good music. (A/N: Sorry to anybody who likes that song but Max doesn't so yeah)

By the time the assembly had finished I had almost fallen asleep on Judd's shoulder. What? He is actually a really comfy pillow when you're tired. I stood up with the rest of the school, stretching my arms above my head and yawning. I saw some teachers give me a disapproving look but I didn't care.

I walked up to Abby and grabbed her hand, spinning her around. "Hey beautiful," I said, pulling her away from the others and along my side. "What's up?" she asked, leaning against my side as we walked away from the school hall. "Nothing," I said. "I just miss you is all." "Come on Max, we see each other every day!" she pouted, causing her to look extremely cute. I smirked and squeezed her hand a bit. "Yeah but we never spend anytime alone anymore." I whispered into her ear. "How about I take you on a date, just the two of us?"

Abby looked at me with raised eyebrows. "Really?" she asked. "Well, yeah," I said, looking at the ground slightly. This was the first time that I'd ever asked a girl out, even though I was captain of the football team and had a lot of girls lined up for dates. I would not get nervous now! "I mean, we've been flirting for a while now, haven't we? And that night camping when we kissed? Don't you want to go on a date with me?" I asked quietly.

I started to rethink things. Maybe she didn't like me as much as I'd thought. Maybe she was just leading me on like a lost puppy. Maybe she didn't like me at all. The thought struck me like a hard hit to the chest. I stopped walking, which caused Abby to stop and look back at me. I looked her in the eyes, trying my hardest to stare straight through those beautiful hazel eyes and find out if she actually liked me or not. Shit, what if she didn't? What would happen then.

"Max, of course I want to go on a date with you!" she sighed, grabbing my other hand and pulling me close. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding in. Thank god I didn't just make a fool of myself.

"Awesome." I grinned. "How about I pick you up, 6 o'clock Saturday night?" "Cool." Abby smiled, squeezing my hands before heading off I. The opposite direction to me.

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