Maybe I am Crushing on a Senior

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~ Kaley's POV ~

We've looked everywhere for Charlie but no one can find her.

She's already been missing for a week. The police are onto it, but they're no help at all. We have no idea where she went. All we know is that she told Barley she was leaving, but no one left with her. She's not picking up her phone, or answering anyone's texts. This is getting very weird.

Charlie is the sort of person to get angry and leave, but she definitely would have had contact with someone.

I was at Charlie and Brad's house with Monica, Tara, Gordon and Barley when Mrs Harrows received a phone call from the police. We all sat on the edges of our seats as Mrs Harrows talked for a while. Tears started leaking down her face, and I leaned back in my chair, fretting what was coming next.

"Okay..." Mrs Harrows whispered. "Thank you for your help."

She slowly hung up the phone before looking at us. Tears were already threatening to spill down my cheeks as I anxiously waited for Mrs Harrows to talk. She plopped down in an arm chair beside Brad.

"Charlie..." she started. "No one can find her." She stopped to catch her breath as the tears dripped down my face and into my lap.

"The police say..." she continued. "That if she hasn't been taken, she is more than likely..." Mrs Harrows burst into a fit of tears before she could finish. We all knew what she was trying to say.

If Charlie wasn't missing she was dead.


We all gave up searching after two weeks. It was hopeless. Even though we couldn't find her body, the statistics proved that if her captures hadn't done anything threatening yet, then there probably weren't captures at all.

We didn't have a funeral for her, we had a party. Because that was what Charlie would have liked. For us to celebrate the times that she was here, not the times that she won't be.

I was standing in the corner of he room, not talking to anyone. I saw Mrs Harrows working busily in the kitchen, cooking more food even though we already had more than enough. Probably just keeping herself busy and trying not to think about the loss of her two daughters in one day.

I saw Brad talking to Tara. I wonder what that's all about? Abby and Monica were up in Charlie's room, sorting her stuff into boxes. Imogen was in the lounge room cuddling with Freddy. Barley was talking to Judd, Max and Cody. I couldn't see Gordon anywhere. The rest were just relatives.

All the food that Mrs Harrows was cooking was burnt. It looked delicious but tasted awful. It was starting to rain outside, making it way warmer in here. It was already hot enough to be a sauna. And the CD selection was the most depressing ever.

I listened to the sad music play as I slowly made my way to the back door. I slid outside to the peace and quiet of a cool Summer's evening. Even though, in Australia, it's really hot during the day, at night it's not so bad.

I saw a figure sitting on the edge of the porch, dangling their feet over the side. Whoever it was was tall and had a nice build, all muscly, with long black hair and a tattoo running up his left arm all the way from his wrist to his shoulder.

I jumped slightly when I realised it was Gordon. Out here, all alone, I thought he might need some company. I silently slid over to the side of the patio and dangled my feet over the edge as well.

"Hey." I said quietly.

"Hey." he said. He didn't look at me, he just continued to stare into Charlie's backyard. Even though I suppose it's not her backyard anymore. I'm sad now.

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