"Someone Spike her Coffee?"

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~ Abby's POV ~

"Oh my gosh, Monny, this better not hurt!" I squealed as the lady rubbed something into my bare shoulder.

"It doesn't, trust me." Monica reassured me, rubbing my other shoulder. I looked over at the massive tattoo running up her right arm, and remembered why I wanted one in the first place.

"This is the needle." The lady said, holding up a small syringe. Seeing it, I almost fainted.

"I can't do this!" I said to Monica trying to stand up. She pushed me back down and grabbed my hand. I squeezed it until both our hands went white.

You see, Monny had convinced me to get a tattoo. It had taken me a while to decide whether or not to get one. I wanted one, but not one too obvious. I had also died my hair red yesterday. This was a whole new Abby Stawsers!

In the waiting room, they told me to pick a tattoo I liked so they could stencil it on. I couldn't decide between two; a dancing unicorn, or a skull that breathed fire. I finally settled for something in between. A fire breathing pony.

"Just do it Abs," Monica said, using my awful nickname. "You'll be okay."

"MAKE ME!" I screamed. I tried to run out of the room, but Monica had a killer grip. I tensed slightly as I felt the needle touch my skin. Afterwards, I felt nothing. Because I was so nervous, instead of a numbing injection, I had to get an injection of anaesthetic. I looked at Monica as she gave me a thumbs up, then everything went black.


~ Monica's POV ~

I sat patiently as Abby got her tattoo. I'm not very patient, but I kept watching, occasionally tapping my foot. After the lady had finished, we woke Abby up. She stared at me for a minute, before saying "How could you?"

"What?" I asked.

"You chopped up the poor turtle and cooked him." She exclaimed.

"What?" I asked again.

"DONT YOU DENY IT!" she screamed.

"This tends to happen," the tattoo lady told me. "Just take her home to get some rest, and she should have a little headache when the mess wears off, but other than that she'll be fine."

"Thanks." I said before turning to Abby. "Come on, I'll take you home."

"You'll probably chop me up, too." Abby said to no one in particular. "Cook me, boil me whatever you want! Just tell Rosie I love her!" Rosie was Abby's dog.

I called Charlie to come and pick us up. I was learning how to drive, but I still didn't have my learner's permit. Charlie had told me about the fight she had had with Brad and her mum. She was staying at Barley's, which was hardly surprising. She got along better with Barley than she did with me.

Charlie arrived ten minutes later in Barley's car. Looks like someone forgot her keys in the midst of her storm out. Amateur.

Charlie hopped out and took one look at Abby. "Hi!" Abby said dreamily.

Charlie looked at me. "Someone spike her coffee?" she asked.  I sighed and opened the door.

I laid Abby down in the back of the car. I put a seatbelt roughly around her stomach and legs, while she waved her arms around maniacally.

"Where are we going? Are we going somewhere nice? Are we going out for ice-cream? Do I get a sticker? Can I have a pony sticker? Can I have Chocolate ice-cream? I don't like strawberry ice-cream. Or strawberries. Do you like strawberries?" she asked.

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