"Where's the Cake?"

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~ Kaley's POV ~

The rest of the day sucked. It was amazingly boring and uneventful. Except for one tiny thing.

Around fourth period, I think, my teacher got a phone call saying that my older brother was here to pick me up early for my doctors appointment. As normal as that sounds, I didn't have a booked doctors appointment or a brother.

I obliged, though, taking all of my books and my bag down to the office, only to be met by a grinning Gordon.

"Hey little sis!" he beamed, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I decided to play along. "Get off of me! You're so annoying!" I yelled, shrugging his arm off of my shoulder.

He smirked at me slightly. "Ready to go?" he asked. I nodded, smiling innocently at the teacher standing behind the front desk. "Seeya tomorrow Miss!" I skipped out the door.


~ Imogen's POV ~

"Where is everyone?" Max asked, looking around at the empty space. It was lunch time, and there was basically nobody here.

"Monica's up at the library with Judd, Abby's looking for Charlie and Cody, Harper and Barley are somewhere, Tara's at the tuck shop, Brad's in the locker room, and I haven't seen Kaley since this morning." I said.

"Oh," he said. Freddy sat down next to me, opening his lunch box and quickly stuffing half of his sandwich into his mouth.

"Can't shtay wong." he said, his mouth still stuffed with food.

"Why not?" Max groaned.

"Footy sign up."

"WHAT?! That's today?!" he asked. Freddy nodded, before waving goodbye and leaving, the other sandwich half in his hand.

"Sorry Immy, I gotta go. I can't miss footy sign up."

"That's okay! I hope you get in."

"Thanks!" he smiled, before running after Freddy. I sat there, patiently eating my apple, waiting for someone to come back. It didn't take long for Tara and Brad to show up.

"Hey guys!" I said.

"Hey Immy, where's everyone else?" Tara asked.

I sighed, getting ready to explain the situation again. "Freddy and Max are at footy sign up, Abby's looking for Charlie and Cody, Kaley... Kaley is somewhere, Barley is off wandering around with Harper, have I missed anyone?"


"Oopsies. Haha, Monica and Judd are up in the library."

"Okay." Tara smiled at me. "So what are you doing?"

"Nothing. Eating." I said as a second thought.

Brad and Tara both laughed, before digging into their spaghetti packs from the tuck shop.

We sat in silence for a little bit, before another voice came behind us.

"So where are your little ferrel friends?"


I turned around to see her smug face smiling down at us. "Funny." I said. "That must have taken you all day to come up with."

Her face hardened. She bent over and sat down right in the middle of our space. "This place is weird. So you guys live under here? Like that scrawny Harry Potter kid?"

"No, we live under here like that amazing, smart, talented and caring Harry Potter kid." Abby said, suddenly appearing. She was alone, meaning her search for Charlie and Cody was probably useless.

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