I kind of Liked It

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~ Abby's POV ~

@saucy__stawsers: Missing my bestie, I've never been so lonely. Please come back to me Char, I miss you...


~ Max's POV ~

I scrolled through my Instagram feed and came across a photo from @saucy__stawsers. Abby. It was a photo of her and Charlie posing at the beach, their shadows copying their pose in the sand. It was a beautiful photo of them both in a bikini. Such joy!

I read the comment:

Missing my bestie, I've never been so lonely. Please come back to me Char, I miss you.

I sighed. Charlie's disappearance had given everyone a shock. She was always there, if you needed to talk to someone, or cry on someone's shoulder, or simply needed a hug. She was no one's best friend (with the exception of Barley and Abby of course), neither was she anyone's enemy.

She was perfect. As a friend... I mean... Honestly, I'd rather date Abby than Charlie...

Moving on. Charlie has been missing for three weeks. I miss her a lot, but I mostly miss hanging out with her. Every once in a while, Charlie and I would go to the movies together, as friends. It was like a tradition.

I needed to go to a movie.


~ Abby's POV ~

@thataquoskiboy: hey Abby, do u wanna c a movie as friends? I used to do it with charlie, but she's sorta missing. U in?

@saucy__stawsers: sure, but am I like a replacement?

@thataquoskiboy: yes and no. Mockingjay, tonight, 8pm?

@saucy__stawsers: kk, c u then


I couldn't wait for the movies. I had wanted to see Mockingjay Part 1 for ages!! All the other girls had already seen it with their other friends, so I was the only one that still had to see it.

I can't believe Max wants to go with me. ME! Even though he told me that we were going as friends, I sorta hoped he didn't mean it. I had caught him checking me out once or twice.

I put on a short blue dress and long black leggings. I had gotten this dress at an Op-Shop, and it was gorgeous! But don't ask me to explain it, I suck at explaining clothing. All I know is that it's cute and blue.

I love Op-Shopping. Charlie and I used to Op-Shop together all the time. We would try on clothes and look all posh and then go and judge the store from what sort of books they had. Our motto is - An Op-Shop without Harry Potter books is a waste of space.

I tried (and failed) to curl my straight, blonde hair. The dress had sleeves like a singlet, so it showed my tattoo. Good, show Max that I'm a bad girl now. Sorta.


I waited at the movie theatre for Max to arrive. I saw him standing on the other side of the room. I caught his eye and waved enthusiastically. He smiled and waved back.

"Hey." I said when he came over.

"Hey." he said back.

We stood in silence for a while.

"We should probably get in line." I said. "The movie starts in ten minutes."

"Don't worry." Max smirked and pulled out two tickets. "I already got them. I got popcorn too!" He showed me a large popcorn box and a large coke drink with two straws sticking out the top.

I grabbed one of the tickets and laughed nervously.

"Thanks for letting me go to the movies with you." I said, breaking the ice.

"My pleasure." he smiled.

"You know," I rambled. "I have been meaning to see this. But I didn't want to go alone..." Max sort of just stared at me while I went on. "All the other girls went with other people, like Kaley went with Monica and Immy went with Freddy, and so on so on. I have wanted to see Mockingjay since I read the book. It was really good, i think the movie will be quite different though -"

Max cut me off with the one thing I both expected and feared at the same time. Max cut me off with a kiss.


~ Max's POV ~

I don't know what made me kiss Abby. I just wanted her to shut up. Yeah, she's pretty fit and all, but she can talk. A lot.

As soon as I pulled in for the kiss, I knew it was a mistake. Abby didn't do anything, just stayed frozen like a statue. I pulled away just as quickly.

"Max..." Abby whispered at me. The theatre was pretty full, but no one seemed to be interested in two teens kissing.

"That was..." she said, more like asked.

"Bad." I said. I saw her expression falter a little, but she managed to keep a straight face as she stayed silent.

"That was bad." I said again. "Let's just... um... pretend it never happened... Okay?"

"What?" she asked, her expression stunned.

"It was a mistake, Abby," I told her. "I just wanted you to shut up. Sorry. Let's just go and enjoy the movie. Okay?" I asked again.

"Fine." she said, her face going back to emotionless.

I felt awful. Because, deep down, I kind of liked it.


~ Abby's POV ~

As soon as I got home, I quietly went upstairs to bed. Mum and Dad must already be in bed, because the lights are out and no one is around.

I got to my room and slowly sit down on my bed, trying to process what happened in the last three hours. Okay, let's start.

1. Max kissed me.

2. He blew me off

3. The movie was awesome

4. We went to a café afterwards

5. We actually had a good time

This makes no sense. Why would he kiss me, and then just say it didn't mean anything? It doesn't make sense. I mean, sure, I'm thrilled that I finally kissed a guy, but then to be rejected? I must really be a loser after all.

Truth is, I kind of liked it.


Sorry this was so short!! It is just a filler chapter. There is better stuff yet to come. What do you think of Max and Abby's little thang? I liked writing this, because it confuses them both that they kinda liked it. OOOOOH saucy twist! (*cough* Emily *cough*). This chappy is dedicated to @little_miss_fangirll because she's awesome!!! So you should go and read her story - A Very Utsy Christmas! - it's hilarious. Okay so I pretty please need feedback if you guys liked it or not. Just wondering. Okk also vote if you want to.

❤️💛💚 oliv3a12 💙💜💖

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