The Best Camping Trip Ever

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~ Freddy's POV ~

Charlie came back half an hour later. Alone. Her eyes looked tired and panicked and full of tears. "I couldn't find him." she choked, sitting down on a log. "Where would he be?" Immy asked, standing up and putting an arm around Charlie.

"I have no idea." she stated, a single tear rolling down her cheek. "I'm so worried." she whispered.

"Don't be," Barley said. "We'll find him. Everything will be okay." Charlie nodded and leant against Barley as she sighed, wiping the tear from her face.

"We should spread out." I said. "Charlie already looked one way, we should split into groups and search everywhere else." We all agreed and silently split into groups, one heading towards the lake, one into the forest and one towards the road.

"I'll grab my keys," Charlie said. "We could drive around for a bit. See if he's somewhere up the road." We all silently agreed and I headed off with Imogen towards the lake.


~ Charlie's POV ~

"Guys!" I called. My group, Abby, Max and Gordon came over. "What's up?" Gordon asked. "My keys aren't here." I stated.

"Are you sure?" Max asked. "Where else would they be?" "Did you get anything out of the car last night?" Abby asked. "No, they were right here when I went I bed..." I trailed off. I knew where my keys were. I knew who had them.


"Guys, I know where Cody is." I said, standing up and racing towards the car.

~ Cody's POV ~

I leant against Charlie's car, breathing in the fresh morning air. I shoved my hands in the pockets of my Batman hoodie to keep them warm. It was really cold this morning, and I had to sleep in a car in skinny jeans. Yep, I didn't know the first thing about camping.

I looked at the sky and sighed. I'm such an idiot. Everyone's probably freaking out right now because I'm gone. No matter how much I want to, I can't avoid Charlie forever. She's my ride home. I guess I'm just gonna have to live with the fact that he probably doesn't like me, the same way I dealt with the fact that Hermione Granger is just too good to be true.

I wish she liked me. Charlie, not Hermione. It was cliché and all, but she was... awesome. I mean, how many girls do you meet that can make fandom references to everything? Not many. But I found one. And that one came with a bonus six more but I only care about this one.

I saw someone running towards the car. Towards me. I saw brown hair flying and a Bazinga PJ shirt being pulled back by the wind. I saw her face, as though she had been crying. Charlie.

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and cried into my shoulder. "Don't do that again." she sobbed. "We've all been so worried. I had no idea where you were. I didn't know if you'd gotten lost or killed or what. Please don't do that again." "I won't," I said, hugging her back and placing my head on top of hers. "I promise."

Charlie lifted her head to look at me. She wiped her eyes and chuckled a bit. "Sorry, I probably look like a mess." she said, grabbing the hem of her shirt and wiping her eyes. "You don't." I said. "Not really." She smiled at me which made me smile back.

"We should probably go and find the others and tell them I found you." Charlie said. I nodded and she grabbed my hand, entwining our fingers. "And for the record, about last night, I like you too." she said, looking straight ahead. I grinned and nudged her a bit. She smiled and nudged me back. We looked at each other and laughed.

Best. Camping Trip. Ever.


~ Tara's POV ~

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