Some Things are More Important Than FIFA

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~ Charlie's POV ~

I had exactly one week to plan Abby's re-party. I had the best idea ever, I was gonna take the girls camping. I thought that it would be a lot of fun, but Tara was skeptical.

She kept complaining about how there would be so much dirt and mud and bugs. I told her that that was the point of camping. I couldn't wait to see how she went 'outdoors' for once.

Everyone said that they could come, so I got seven two-man tents for the night. I already had people asking if they could be with certain people, so it took me a while to sort out the tent arrangements. In the end, I had:

• Barley and Harper
• Tara and Brad
• Kaley and Gordon
• Judd and Max
• Freddy and Imogen and
• Abby and Monica.

Which left me and Cody together. Which I was fine with.

Speaking of Cody, we went on a massive shopping spree together to get everything that we needed. I'm not going to tell you how much we spent, just that it cost a lot of money.

I went to Leisureworld to do my shopping and met Cody there, who had just finished his shift at the bookstore. Pretty convenient really.

After we had finished, we went back to Cody's place to sort everything out. Lacey was there, and she insisted that she made the decorations. So the three of us buckled down and got everything down within three hours.


I got home somewhere around 7 ish, to find Brad sitting on the floor playing FIFA with Barley, Gordon and Judd.

"Having a party without me, are you?" I asked.

"Yep." Brad said, not turning around. I smirked and grabbed the TV remote, switching from the Xbox to the Austar (Australia's pay TV).

"Hey what the hell?!" Brad screamed.

"You know that was FIFA right?" Judd asked. All of the boys had red eyes from sitting too close to the TV and there were empty chip packets and crumbs everywhere.

"How long have you guys been on the Xbox?" I asked.

"About three hours?" Barley said.

"See, that's too long! It's my turn now." I flicked through until I found Harry Potter playing. I screamed and grabbed a pillow, squeezing it as I watched intently.

Brad grabbed the remote and tried to pull it out of my hand. I pulled back. Being the older twin by about two minutes didn't necessarily mean that I was the stronger twin. Brad tugged on the remote hard and I went tumbling onto the floor, landing hard on Barley's lap. I started laughing really hard, my cheeks going bright red. Barley was laughing too. We were all laughing.

"I still get to watch Harry Potter though, right?" I asked.

Brad sighed. "Sure."

"But, the FIFA!" Judd and Gordon gasped. I laughed.

"Sorry boys. But something's are more important than FIFA."


~ Max's POV ~

I had to get Abby a present, but I had no idea what to buy her. After our little, uh, moment at the movies, we haven't really been as close as before. Nevertheless, I still wanted to go to her party.

I walked into the bookstore at Leisureworld and was greeted by a smiling Cody.

"Oh, hey man." I said, walking up to him.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm just getting Abby a present."

"Books. Good choice." he smiled at me, and I smiled back. Cody was probably my only nerdy friend, (other than Judd, who was a gamer. But even he played sports sometimes) and I really liked him.

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