"Its eating My Face!"

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~ Cody's POV ~


It was the worst thing possible. We had only ever texted as friends, before it happened. Yet, I felt as though I'd known her my entire life.

The call was unbearable. Even though I was a guy, I cried a lot. Like when my favourite character from a book dies.

It was Brad, Charlie's brother, ringing me again. He told me that Charlie was missing, and if we don't find her then she was most likely dead. Which would suck. Because she is the first girl that actually likes me for the weirdo that I am.

"She'll be okay..." Brad assured me, although he didn't sound too confident in his words.

"Yeh," I had replied. "Okay."


Lacey came running into my room, disturbing my thoughts. She looked exhausted, she must have run all the way from the backyard.

"CODY!" she yelled.

"What?" I asked.

"THERES A MONSTER IN THE BACKYARD! AAAAHH!" she screamed as I covered my ears.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Nofink!" she said innocently, grabbing my hand. "But there's a MONSTER in the backyard. Let's go!"

"No, Lacey." I told her. "Not today."

"But you always killed the monsters..." she whispered, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Fine..." I whined. Lacey yelled out and started jumping happily up and down.

We dashed downstairs and quietly crept into the backyard.

"So," I whispered. "What does this monster look like?"

"Well," Lacey whispered back. "It is purple, with green spots. Oh and it has big yellowy teeth. Oh oh! And it has big paws and a long tail. Oh oh oh! It can also breathe FIRE!" she yelled.

"Ssssshhhh!" I whisper-shouted. "Or you'll wake it up!"

"Okay." she whispered back.

We crept out the back door and down to the lawn. We hid behind a big tree, and I peeked out the left side, while Lacey peeked out the right. She whistled slightly, and a large figure bounded towards us.

This large figure was wearing a purple jacket with green spots sticky taped all over it. It had yellow teeth and a lolling pink tongue hanging out of its mouth. It had big paws, and a length of rope super glued to the back of the jacket.

It was our dog, Richy.

Richy came running into the backyard, looking around for the owner of the high pitched whistle. He must have spotted the frills of Lacey's pink dress, because he came happily over to us.


We dashed out to face Richy, who was so happy to see us, that he jumped onto Lacey. She fell to the ground and screamed. Richy sat on her chest and started licking her face.


I ran over to Lacey and tackled Richy to the ground. He woofed cheekily and started licking my face as well. I ripped his jacket off and showed it to Lacey.

"WE KILLED IT!" she screeched with joy. "YAAAAAY!"

I laughed and ran over to my younger sister. I picked her up backwards so I was holding her feet and her head was inches from the ground. She screamed and started giggling.

For a moment, I forgot about Charlie and only thought of my sister. I loved Lacey so much. She was my whole world, my little mini me. And as I put Lacey down the right way up, I looked into her eyes. She was smiling in that cute way that little sisters do.

And at that moment, I knew what Charlie must have been through losing her sister.

"F**k..." I muttered under my breath. I had never said that word before, it was weird. Oh well, this situation was worthy of that sort of language.


I texted Barley later that night. I knew that Barley was Charlie's closest friend, and that he would be easier to talk to than Abby or another one of the girls.

@booknerdles: Hi Barley? it's Cody, Charlie's friend? I was wondering if we could talk?

@mroakleythe.a.w.e.s.o.m.e: sure, wat up?

@booknerdles: well, I was playing with my little sister Lacey today, and I thought, I don't think I could live without her. And then I thought, well it must have been hard for Charlie, losing Danni like that. And then I thought, what if she decided it was all too much, and she wanted out? I just, I know you've known her longer, but I feel like we have a bond or something? and I don't like the thought of her committing suicide. Thoughts?

@mroakleythe.a.w.e.s.o.m.e: that sounds legit, but Charlie's worst fear was always death. She'd never do anything like that so don't stress. we'll find her soon.

I took a deep breath and sighed. That was better than I expected. I mean, sure, suicide is still one of the possibilities of her disappearance. But if what Barley says is true, that she feared death, than it was the least likely thing to happen. We'll find her.


~ Monica's POV ~

"Safety!" Kaley screamed as she let loose.

"Eeeew!!" Abby squealed, holding her nose and turning away. Tara had suddenly stood up and started screaming and running around Kaley's apartment that I was moving into next week. I just pissed myself laughing.

I was immune to Kaley's farting because I have lived with it for so long. I think I first met her at a play group when we were a few years old, and she kept farting and I kept laughing.

Kaley was laughing too. We were both doubled up on the floor. At that moment, Imogen walked through the door with our pizzas.

"Hey guys! Whatcha... OH GOD! WHATS THAT SMELL?" she exclaimed. Once again, Kaley and I melted to the floor in a fit of laughter. Imogen dropped the pizzas to cover her nose with her hand.

"FOOOOOOD!" Kaley squealed, as she dived for the pizzas.

We all laughed as we watched her sort through the pizzas, looking for her pizza.

"Ham and pineapple for Tara... Cheese for Monica... Cheese for Abby... Supreme for Immy... Hey Immy! Where's my pepperoni pizza?" she asked.

"Oh," Imogen replied. "I thought you liked the BBQ bacon..."

"Nope," I said. "Kaley only eats Pepperoni. The BBQ bacon one is Charlie's..." My voice trailed off. This was our first pizza night without Charlie. Everyone misses her, and there has been no sign of her or evidence that she's still alive since her party.

"I'll go back and get the right one then." said Imogen.

"Don't worry," Kaley said. "I'll order it and get them to deliver it. There's no point in calling a taxi for a single pizza."

We sat in silence for a while, four of us chewing and Kaley's stomach groaning in hunger. Charlie's pizza sat in the middle, like we were still expecting her to show up.


I know this is a short chapter but there is MORE TO COME! The exciting bit is in the next chapter! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! Okk, I should go.

🐧🐧🐧 oliv3a12 🐧🐧🐧

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