A Sabotage and a Pillow Fight

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~ Gordon's POV ~

A guys day was definitely needed. I called Brad and he said he'd get everybody together. We all met at Barley's house, as it was a pretty central meeting place.

Other than Brad, Barley and I, there was also Freddy, Max, Judd and that Cody guy. It was so great to see the guys. We hadn't spoken in ages, so it was nice to have some time without the girls. We agreed that it wouldn't be a sleepover, it was simply a night out.

Freddy updated me with the football stuff, occasionally high fiving Max or Brad when he was talking about an epic play. Barley told me all about the school side of stuff, what clubs a certain person had joined or who my old friends were hooking up with. I had been told about the whole Brad-Kleo scandal, but nobody decided to bring it up.

Judd stayed peculiarly quiet the whole time. I tilted my head and looked over at him. "Hey Juuuuuuuuudd.." I teased.

He looked up at me and furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeeeeeeeeees?" he asked.

"You're being abnormally quiet." I smirked.

"No I'm not." he said, more like sighed, a though he couldn't even be bothered fighting it.

"Yes you are." Freddy grinned.

"What's up bud?" Max asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Well, actually.. Um.. Mon and I.. Kinda.. How do I say this?"

"Just let it out dude." Barley soothed.

Judd took a deep breath. "We did.. it."

The room burst out in applause and back slapping, like he'd won the lotto or something. Well, in the lotto of ladies, he definitely struck lucky.

"Congrats dude!" I said, nudging him slowly. There was a knock at the door and Barley groaned.

"God who is it?" he mumbled, standing up to check the door.

~ Kaley's POV ~

A girls day was needed, what with all this guy drama going on. We all met at Charlie's house on Saturday to chill and be girls.

I was the first one to arrive, as Dad dropped me here on the way to work. "Is Brad home?" I asked.

"Nope," Charlie said. "He's over the road with the other guys having a 'guy day'. They totally stole our idea!"

The other girls all turned up one at a time, except for Harper, who was sick with the flu.

We all sat around the TV, watching the music channel and waiting for anything good to come on.

"Let's do something." Imogen said suddenly. We all turned to her.

"Like what?" Monica asked.

"Anything." Imogen shrugged. I rose my eyebrows.

"There's nothing to dooo!" Abby groaned.

"There's plenty to do. You're just not thinking hard enough." Charlie smirked. "Let go crash guy day."

"No! That's the point of girl day is to not worry about the guys!" Tara whined. "It defeats the purpose."

"Who cares? It's always more fun when they're around." I said.

"True." Monica smiled. We all know what her and Judd have been up to recently.

"Lets do it!" Abby said, standing up quickly. Everybody followed her lead, before we dashed across the road and knocked on Barley's door.

It took him a few minutes to find the door. "He-"

"SABOTAGE!" I screamed, cutting him off. The six of us ran inside and started laughing our heads off at the looks on the guys faces. Gordon grinned when he saw me, standing up and enclosing me in a warm hug.

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