"Who do I have to Beat Up?"

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~ Freddy's POV ~

Imogen giggled quietly and flipped her hair. This is going to sound totally out of context, but I had her pressed against my locker in the boys change rooms. Let me explain.

I had a big football match coming up soon, so I was practising a lot more. Football was like my thing, even though I hate sport. I was just really good at it.

Anyways, it was a Wednesday afternoon, two days after I had seen Imogen with her friends at Leisureworld. I went to the field alone, I felt more comfortable practicing in silence. But Imogen was already there.

Imogen was on the school cheerleading team, but she's no skank like the rest of them. She was beautiful, and I really liked her.

I walked onto the field to see her practicing cartwheels and handstands. She didn't see me coming, so I stood behind her and watched.

When she had finished a double hand springy thing, she panted and turned around.

"Nice routine." I said. She just looked at me, shocked. I chucked her my bottle of water and she gulped down a few mouthfuls of ice cold water.

"Thanks." she whispered. She handed me back my bottle. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Football practice." I told her.

"The game's not until next week." she said.

"I know." I said. "I prefer to practice alone."

"Oh," was all she said.

"So, yeh." I said breaking the silence. This was totally awkward.

"I'll go then." she said. She turned to leave.

"No!" I said a little bit too fast. She turned back around. I coughed. "I mean, you can stay. Like, if you'd want."

"Okay." she said quickly.

"I just have to get changed quickly." I said.

"Okay." she said again, looking at the darkening sky. Although it was only midday, the sky was growing dark. I thought it would start to rain soon.

I ran over to the change rooms, taking my bag with me. I had just taken my shirt off when I heard thunder claps and the door opened. Imogen walked in, unsure of if she should be there.

"It's okay," I assured her. "You can come in. It's just me."

"Freddy," she said. "It's pouring outside."

Now I know what you might think. My name is not Fred. Or Fredrick. Or anything like that. My name is Freddy. No ifs, buts or coconuts.

"I could tell." I replied sarcastically. She grinned slightly and shivered. Imogen was soaking wet, and shaking like a wet kitten.

"Come here." I said. She came forwards slowly. I picked up a towel I had brought and wrapped it around her. She looked into my eyes. I smiled cheekily and she giggled slightly. I pressed her lightly against my locker.

So here we were. She giggled slightly and looked down at the floor. I had tiny butterflies in my stomach. I'm gonna do it.

"Immy..." I whispered.

"Yeh?" she whispered back.

"I really like you." I said slowly.

"I really like you too." she whispered, looking up from the floor and into my eyes.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Really." she said.

I leaned in slightly, and Imogen did the same. And that, ladies and gentleman, was how I had my first kiss.


~ Imogen's POV ~

Wednesday nights were pizza nights at Kaley's apartment. That was our tradition. Everyone was looking at Abby's new tattoo, which was a scary horse breathing fire.

I was still really happy with what had happened between me and Freddy. I was officially his girlfriend. AAAAAHH!!!!! He's so cute!!!! I have to tell the girls though.

Charlie arrived with the usual. A BBQ bacon, a pepperoni, a ham and pineapple, two cheese and a supreme pizza. Every week it's the same.

We all dug into our pizza hungrily. I bit into the supreme and tasted the cheese and olives. Yes, I like olives on my pizzas.

"Guys," I spoke up loudly so everyone could hear me over the blaring TV.

"Yeeeees?" Tara asked.

"I uh, sort of have to tell you guys something." I said nervously.

"Go on..." Abby said.

"Who do I have to beat up?" Kaley asked.

I laughed nervously. "No one!" I giggled. "But, you know how we are kinda the nerds at school -"

"And proud!" Charlie cut in.

"Right and proud." I agreed. "So, and none of us have ever kissed a guy..."

"Except for me." Tara said quietly.

"Right, except for Tara." I continued. "Well, that's not entirely true..."

"I know," Monica spoke up. "Charlie has been sexting with that guy from the book store."

"I HAVE NOT!" Charlie slapped my arm.

"I think I get what your saying!" Kaley said excitedly.

"YOU KISSED SOMEONE?" Tara basically screamed.

"Ewww! Charlie's sexting!" Abby teased.

"I am not!" Charlie said, annoyed. "Besides, Immy kissed a guy! Ten bucks it's Freddy."

"It's not Freddy, is it?" Monica asked, suddenly interested in me. Charlie smirked, her mission accomplished.

"Yeh, it kinda was." I said.

Abby squealed while Tara jumped up and down, Kaley and Monica smothered me in a hug making kissy noises, and Charlie asking everyone for her $10.

I laughed and pushed my friends off of me. "Let's just eat the pizza before it gets cold, okay?" I asked.

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