"You have 27 Cats?"

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~ Charlie's POV ~

I stared at the endless amount of books stacked on the shelves in front of me. It's impossible to choose just one. I stared through the titles of all the new books, Caged, that sounded too cheesy. Go for it!, Too spirit lifting. Sammie's search for something stunning, what is this the children's section? I look around the shelves.

Mum had given me $20 to spend on whatever I'd like. Naturally, I went to a book store. But now I just didn't know which one to pick.

My foot scuffed a discarded book lying on the ground. I picked it up and looked at it. Down Hearted. That didn't sound too bad. I read the back, growing more and more intrigued.

Fifteen year old Faith Brown wants to kill herself. The depression had yet again set in, and she can't handle it. With no friends and no social life, will Faith find more pleasure with a knife at her throat? This isn't Faith's story, but a story of how her only friend, Mike Jones, handles Faith's problem. Who will end up more damaged; Faith or Mike?

Wow. That actually sounds pretty good. I head to the checkout to pay for my book. The guy behind the register can't be too older than me. With his blonde hair in a low fringe over the top of his face, and his deep blue eyes, he actually didn't look too bad. Okay, he was cute. Super cute. Super super super...

"Um.. can I help you?" the guy asked. I realised I must have been staring because he chuckled slightly as I quickly looked away. He has a nice laugh.

"Um.. yeah. I'd like to get this one please. Book I mean. I'd like to get this book..." I trail off, looking at my feet.

"Okay." The guy smirked at me before looking down at the book. "Down Hearted hey?" he asked.

"Yeah." I replied. "Have you read it?"

"Yep." the guy replied. "I loved it. Spoiler Alert, Faith lives."

I laughed. "At least you said spoiler alert! My friends just tell me spoilers on a daily basis."

"They sound like awful friends." he chuckled slightly.

"Nah, they're okay."

The cute guy laughed again before scanning the book. "You know," he said. "I could be your friend..."

"That's like the worst pick up line ever!" I laughed.

"Did it work?" he asked. I giggled slightly before nodding my head. "Cool." he said, before handing me a slip of paper he had been writing on. "This is my number."

"Okay." I said, taking the paper from him and writing on his hand. "And this is mine!"

"I'll text you." the guy smirked cheekily. "$18.59 please."

I payed him the money as I realised something. "I don't even know your name yet!" I said as he handed me my change.

"Oh really? Sorry, I should have introduced myself." He stuck out his hand. "Hi. I'm Cody."

"Charlie." I replied, before my phone started vibrating in my pocket. It was a text from one of my bestie's, Kaley King. It read:

Turn around

I turned around to face the outside of the store. A girl with short red hair and tons of freckles was standing there, waving cheekily at me. Kaley. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Cody.

"I have to go, sorry." I said.

"That's okay." he said. I smiled quickly, before grabbing my new book and Cody's number and heading out of my second home.

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