Thats what you get for Falling Asleep on a Rescue Mission.

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~ Abby's POV ~

Tonight. We were gonna break Charlie out tonight.

No one has had any more contact from Charlie since last week. But, being the best friend a that we are, we decided to do the right thing and track her father's phone until we found her exact location.

It took a while to persuade Mrs Harrows to give us Charlie's father's phone number. She finally agreed, seeing as though Charlie's life was basically at stake.

After that, it was three days of Monica and Judd sitting in a dark room, typing codes into computers trying to locate this phone. Three days, sixteen battery charges, twelve toilet breaks, two panic attacks, twenty six half eaten meals, seven spilt drinks and one lead later, we had finally found him.

He used to be Mr Darren Gillings, now (apparently) he was John Albert. Yeh right. He lived on 17 Sawdust Drive, Charterville, the-middle-of-nowhere Australia.

And that was our destination.


Our escape crew consisted of me, Barley and Cody, who insisted that he had read enough action books to be a ninja. I laughed when he turned up in a black Ninja costume.

I wore a navy blue top, with black leggings and black converse boots. Barley had a black tee on turned inside out, and a pair of dark denim jeans. Cody borrowed some of Barley's clothes and ended up in a maroon T-Shirt that was about three sizes too big and a short pair of black pants. We looked epic.

We all hopped into Barley's car and headed down the road; me and Barley in the front, and Cody in the back wedged between our esky full of food and drinks and the door.

We drove for about an hour before I got hungry. "Oi Cody!" I said. "Pass me a pack of chips. Cody? Cody..."

I heard a snore from the backseat and saw Cody asleep leaning on the back door. I silently laughed to myself before I opened the glove box and started rummaging through Barley's stuff.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" he said. "What are you doing?"

"Sleeping Beauty back there needs a make over." I said, pulling out a Sharpie. "He has to look presentable for his girlfriend."

"They're not dating..."

"Oh ma gosh you're worse than Charlie! They so are, you can tell. Pull over please." I asked sweetly.

Barley sighed and pulled the car to the side of the road. I pulled the lid off the sharpie and looked at Cody.

"Sorry buddy..." I whispered as I gave him a curly French moustache. That's what you get for falling asleep on a rescue mission.


Cody woke up just as we pulled up at the edge of the road. I tried not to laugh at his black moustache. It went with his blonde hair. We walked down to number 17 and took in our surroundings. Charlie was right. Everything was boarded up and/or locked. Although we couldn't see security cameras. Luckily.

We found the best place to get started; the door. Charlie's father had a really high fence, so we were able to pick the lock in peace.

It was up to Barley to accomplish this task. He and Charlie had been picking locks their whole lives. We heard a click and Barley pushed the door wide open.

I screamed.


CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH. MA. GOSH!!!!!!!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENS????? I know this was tiny. SOOOORY! I was thinking of having them end up at the wrong house, but I changed my mind.

What do you think happens next??

Please comment any feedback and vote if you'd like. Thanks for sticking with the story this far!!!


😘😘 oliv3a12 😘😘

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