"It's about your Sister."

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These are the characters' Instagram names:

Abby: saucy__stawsers
Charlie: charlieharrowswho
Kaley: QueenoftheKings
Monica: monica_monica_monica
Tara: tinytara_milton
Imogen: immypooimogen
Freddy: freddyevansforthewin
Max: thataquoskiboy
Brad: braddyharrys
Gordon: gordon.likes.to.photo.bomb
Barley: mroakleythe_a.w.e.s.o.m.e
Cody: bookernerdles
Judd: therentalman

~ Abby's POV ~

It's ma birthday today!! Oo oo! I'm having my party this Monday night! All the girls and I are gonna stay at a hotel and order room service and everything.

I went shopping a few days ago, on Monday, for the party. It's Thursday today. I bought stacks and stacks of lollies, chips and streamers. But no balloons. Charlie is terrified of balloons.

Anyways, I had booked an entire floor at a really fancy hotel called Airbros. Airbros has been in my city, Brisbane, for ages, as long as anyone can remember. I have only been inside once, and it is REALLY spiffy.

I had booked a floor because each floor had three rooms of two beds. That's me and each of the girls. I had booked for five days, Saturday to Wednesday.

I was just going over there today to tell them my plan - how I would use Saturday and Sunday to decorate and Tuesday and Wednesday to clean - and make sure everything was in order.

I caught a taxi to Airbros and sat in the back extremely excited to see our rooms.

I was heading towards the hotel to sort out some stuff, when I got a DM on my phone from Charlie.

@charlieharrowswho: Happy birfdae abs!

@saucy__stawsers: aww thanx! hey r u comin 2 my party

@charlieharrowswho: no

@saucy__stawsers: why not?

@charlieharrowswho: bcause Cody and I r goin to a movie 😉

@saucy__stawsers: SQUEEE!!! But AWWW! 😔

@charlieharrowswho: lol jokes I'm gonna b at ur party we r seeing the movie tonite

@saucy__stawsers : kk

@QueenoftheKings: I'm coming

@saucy__stawsers: yay!! how about you @tinytara_milton ??

@tinytara_milton: I'll b there

@monica_monica_monica: me too

@immypooimogen: count me in. Happy bday


@charlieharrowswho: GET OUT GORDS!! @gordon.likes.to.photo.bomb

@gordon.likes.to.photo.bomb: Fine, but I'm not happy!! 😭

@QueenoftheKings: ok now that he's gone, what r we gonna do at this party?

@charlieharrowswho: hi guys I just wanted to text and say that Barley is absolutely amazing for letting me crash at his place this week. He is the best person in the world and I love him so much!! we should add him to this convo!

@saucy__stawsers: Barley is that you?

@charlieharrowswho: OH MY GOSH BARLEY IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!

@monica_monica_monica: 😂😂

I laughed and put my phone away as I walked into the hotel.

It was extremely fancy, with white fluffy carpets and a massive chandelier. A door left wide open stood on the left side of the room, and the sweet aroma of freshly cooked chicken and ham wafted up to my nose. I quickly breathed in before hurrying to the reception desk.

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