You're telling Me.

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~ Tara's POV ~

No one has seen Charlie since our shopping expedition a week ago. I had heard from Brad about Danni, and I can only imagine how Charlie is feeling. Losing the only person she really cared for. I hope that, wherever she was, that Charlie was okay.

It's the day of Abby's party. I arrived at Airbros last, all the other girls were in the lobby waiting for me.

"Have you heard from Charlie?" I asked them as I stepped onto the lush carpet.

"No, we were hoping that you had." Kaley said.

"I haven't heard anything." I told them.

"Oh well," Abby said. "She might just be running late."

We all went upstairs to our floor. Abs had done a very good job at decorating. Each room had streamers going everywhere, chips in bowls on each table and lollies spread out all over the place.

She had put little matching soap bottles in the bathrooms, and the mini fridges were stocked with party food.

"This is great!" Immy said.

"Yeh," Monica agreed. "Who's staying where?"

"Well I was supposed to be staying with Charlie," Abby told us. "But since she stood us up, I'm gonna be lonely!"

"No you can't be lonely!" Imogen said. "Sorry, Tay, but I'm gonna share with Abs."

"That's okay." I said.


We all got set up, Abby and Imogen, Monica and Kaley, and me, by myself.

We went downstairs afterwards, to have our fancy dinner. I decided to wear a short, green cocktail dress with one sleeve and a matching handbag. Abby wore a short dress that was cream at the top and pink at the bottom with pockets. Imogen wore a knee length blue dress that went black as it went downwards.

While, Kaley wore black, skinny jeans and a black striped t-shirt that said 'E P I C' across the front. Monica had short red pants on and a longer black t-shirt with the batman symbol on it. I knew that if Charlie were here, she would be more than likely wearing what Monica and Kaley were wearing.

We looked very weird.

We sat down at our table for six and put all our bags onto Charlie's empty chair. We ordered our food and waited for it to be cooked.

"Guys," I piped up. "I'm worried about Charlie."

"Me too," Imogen said.

"I'll ring her." Kaley said, pulling out her phone. After a few minutes of silence from our table, Kaley looked up. "Nothing!" She said disappointed.

I asked Kaley to grab my phone from my bag. She gave it to me and I texted her.

@tinytara_molton: r u coming tonight @charlieharrowswho ??

After waiting a while for a reply, I panicked even more. Charlie always replied to text messages, even little ones. This was totally unlike her.

"Maybe we should call Brad?" Monica suggested. "Or Barley?"

"Okay, I'll call Brad." I told them. "Does anyone have Barley's number?"

"I do." Abby said. "In case of emergencies, which I guess, this is."

Abby and I walked outside together and I called Brad.

"Hey babe!" he said when he picked up.

"Shut up Brad!" I said. "Where's Charlie?"

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