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~ Abby's POV ~

Today is the first day of school. I don't know why it started so soon, the holidays are so much fun!

In Grade 10, we had mixed class homerooms, but now in Grade 11, our homerooms are made up from people from our house colour. I am in Wence (red), so it's just me and Freddy. There is also Hiser (yellow), where Monica and Imogen are, Quinn (blue), where Kaley and Tara are, Zelda (purple), where Brad and Charlie are, and Dasher (green), where Barley and his girlfriend, Harper, were.

Yep. Girlfriend. So, that happened.

I walked into my new class, and saw Freddy saving a seat for me like he promised. I sat down next to him as my new teacher started the lesson. I was usually late anyways.

"Good morning students!" The teacher exclaimed a little too cheerily. "My name is Mr Arthur, and I am the proud Grade 11 teacher for Wence house! Welcome, fellow Wence's!"

Freddy and I looked at each other, stifling a crazy laugh.

First day was just a bunch of laughs and getting to know new people. At lunch, we all met up at our usual spot, a big cleared out space under a set of stairs.

Along with the usual bunch from Grade 11, there was also Max and Judd from Grade 12. Gordon had graduated last year, and Kaley looked a bit glum without him. Although she'll never say so.

Everyone was sitting around, laughing, talking. Just like old times. I looked around, and noticed a missing presence. "Guys," I said. "Where's Charlie?"

"Oh. She's with -"

Brad was cut off, because at that exact moment, Charlie came running over, dragging someone behind her.

"OMG guys you'll never guess who I found!" she exclaimed, sitting down and pulling the other person down with her. Cody.

"Hey Cody! What're you doing here?" Tara asked.

"Where else would he be?" Brad asked sarcastically. "She's been dragging him around school all morning!" Charlie reached over and slapped him on the head.

"Have not!"

"Have too!"

"Have not!"

"Um... Charlie? You sort of have." Cody scratched at the back of his neck nervously.

"Have I? Oops." Charlie played nervously with the zip on her lunchbox.

"It's okay!" Cody said hurriedly. "I needed help! And you're the perfect tour guide." Charlie smiled at him as he smiled back.

"Not dating my ass!" Barley whisper shouted to Harper, who giggled crazily.

"If you don't let that go I swear I'll -"

"You'll what?"

"I'll set Monica on you!"

Barley stopped talking immediately, looking at Monica who gave him a glare, raising her eyebrows. His eyes widened as Charlie smiled, her mission accomplished.


The next day we started lessons. I had double Maths with Charlie and Kaley, Music with Monica, PE with Freddy and Imogen, Science with Brad, Charlie, Tara and Cody, and Dance with no one.

In Maths I sat next to Kaley, Charlie in the empty seat behind us. We were working on some equations while the teacher was out of the room. The noise was unbearable. Being the nerds, the three of us worked quietly, and were soon finished. Kaley and I grabbed our books and started reading.

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